

2014-11-26    03'31''

主播: EZFM China Drive

6519 95

新西兰先驱报:新西兰的一家医院近来在儿童病房的入口处安装了一个价值不菲的大鱼缸,仅安装费用就要73000新西兰元,约合人民币36万元,另外每周还需要1000新西兰元的维护费用. New Zealand Herald: A fish tank in Dunedin Hospital in New Zealand cost $73,000 to install and more than $1000 a week to run in its first year. However, the cash-strapped Southern District Health Board says the maintenance bill will be ''significantly less'' in the tank's second year of operation. The tank is funded by donations to the children's ward. It cost about $56,000 to maintain in its first year, not including the cost for electricity.