

2014-12-09    03'44''

主播: EZFM China Drive

3459 128

新西兰先驱报:一项调查显示,几乎一半的男人表示在一年一度的圣诞季感到沮丧和压抑. New Zealand Herald: Far from experiencing peace and goodwill at Christmas, nearly half of men admit to feeling sad or depressed over the festive season, that's according to a study by the Samaritans. An online survey carried out by the charity discovered 48 per cent of men say they are sad or depressed at Christmas time. Of the 140 interviewed, around 45 per cent say they feel more worried over the festive season than at any time of year, 37 per cent admit to feeling lonely and 30 per cent are stressed and anxious.