

2014-12-15    03'52''

主播: EZFM China Drive

2973 99

哥伦比亚广播公司:在美国的社交网络上最近有这样一种照片正在流行,飞行员在驾驶飞机时从他们的"独特视角"拍摄的空中美景.然而,飞行员这样做是否影响飞行安全?违反安全规定呢? CBS News: There's a growing trend on Instagram: Pilots taking and posting photos, captured from their unusual vantage point inside the cockpit. And hundreds, sometimes thousands of people have been flocking to their accounts, waiting for the next round of stunning images. Though the images may be beautiful, taking the photos while piloting a commercial aircraft is against U.S. and European aviation rules. David Yanofsky, a reporter for Quartz, a digital business news publication, conducted a six-month investigation into the trend. "There's no rules specifically against taking a photograph. What there are rules on are the type of device that you can use. And using a device that has wireless capabilities is, in fact, always forbidden in a cockpit by FAA rules unless there's an emergency and the captain says that that is necessary."