

2014-12-19    02'25''

主播: EZFM China Drive

3886 155

Mail Online: a UK government adviser warned this week that libraries must become more like Costa coffee shops to avoid 'absolute disaster'. 如今,图书馆似乎离人们的生活越来越远,对于很多人来说,看书往往和咖啡店联系在一起.英国有专家建议,将来的图书馆应该做的像咖啡店,才能留住看书的人. William Sieghart said it was 'astonishing' that wi-fi was not available in a third of public libraries, while it was offered in neighbouring cafes. 哥们说,英国居然还有三分之一的图书馆里不提供wifi的,真是令友邦惊诧呀!明明隔壁的咖啡店里都有的。 An independent report on the future of libraries called for them all to offer internet access, toilets and hot drinks to secure their future. 还有一份不知名的报告说如果图书馆们肯为自己的未来考虑的话,还是应该配备一下上网的硬件、洗手间和热饮。 总之,多喝热水就是没错~~