

2015-04-07    05'54''

主播: EZFM China Drive

1264 111

Washington post: Some 3,100 students accepted as freshman by the University of Florida for the fall got a big surprise along with their congratulations notices: They were told that the acceptance was contingent on their agreement to spend their first year taking classes online as part of a new program designed to attract more freshmen to the flagship public university. The 3,118 applicants accepted this way to the university did not apply to the online program, above and beyond the approximately 12,000 students offered traditional freshman slots. Nor were they told that there was a chance that they would be accepted with the online caveat. They wound up as part of an admissions experiment. 今天聊到美国佛罗里达大学的网上课程,俩人都觉得好省钱。 马克同学表示自己一直在业余时间偷偷学习考古学,目测大概还需要30年时间才能修满全部的学分,拿到学位…… 另外,马克还幻想着有一天能把我们的广播节目搬到海边去做…… 哼哼…… 要知道我们现在的机房可是连个窗户都木有的…… 点击"阅读原文"收听吐槽~~