

2015-06-18    05'47''

主播: EZFM China Drive

445 65

The Canadian paper Star carries an article talking about social media shamming, the anxiety-inducing, reputation-destroying, job-killing social media backlash we now reserve for those who stray from socially acceptable behaviour. The latest victim, Nobel Prize winning biochemist Tim Hunt, told a conference recently that women in science labs are "disruptive," saying, "You fall in love with them, they fall in love with you and when you criticize them, they cry." After a conference attendee tweeted his comments, they quickly went viral, prompting hundreds of people around the world to ridicule the prominent scientist, creating the hashtag #distractinglysexy and posting photos of women posing in labs and on research studies. While Hunt stood behind his remarks, within a week, he was forced to resign from his post as honorary professor at University College London, pull out of the European Research Council and step down from a Royal Society Awards committee. His career as a scientist is over, leaving the twittersphere to argue whether the penalty was just.