Buzz lingo丨Don't be a "wet blanket ".

Buzz lingo丨Don't be a "wet blanket ".

2015-07-27    08'08''

主播: EZFM China Drive

758 84

Food for thought Your essay has provided me with some interesting food for thought. My friend's dad is a consultant, and gave me some food for thought of what career I should pursue. Seeing people in poverty gave me some food for thought. Definition: something for someone to think about; issues to be considered Etymology: This metaphoric phrase, transferring the idea of digestion from the stomach to mulling something over in the mind, dates from the late 1800s, although the idea was also expressed somewhat differently at least three centuries earlier. Bottom line Don't bombard me with figures just tell me the bottom line. What is the bottom line to Grexit? The bottom line is that the Chairman wants to control all the decisions. Definition: the result; the final outcome Etymology: This is an accounting term that refers to the earnings figures that appear on the bottom (last) line of a statement. It began to be transferred to other contexts in the mid-1900s. Wet blanket My mom is a wet blanket because when ever my dad thinks of a fun activity, she vetoes it. Nobody wanted to hangout with Janice, because she is a wet blanket. After Gareth's girlfriend cheated on him, everyone expected him to be a wet blanket. Definition: A person who discourages others from having fun. Etymology: This expression alludes to smothering a fire with a wet blanket.