Buzz Lingo丨小心整容成为你嫁不粗去的"Deal-breaker"

Buzz Lingo丨小心整容成为你嫁不粗去的"Deal-breaker"

2015-08-06    08'43''

主播: EZFM China Drive

2149 126

介绍: Dodge a bullet Esther dodged a bullet when she and Andrew broke up, because he eventually became a wife-beater. Sara dodged a bullet when she passed the exam by a single point. Chad doged a bullet when he missed his plane that had an Ebola patient on board. Definition: If someone has dodged a bullet, they have successfully avoided a very serious problem. Own up Everyone can forgive athletes if they own up to taking steroids, unless they are Lance Armstrong. The maid owned up to stealing jewelry. The Queen owned up to having an affair. Definition: to admit something; to confess to something. Etymology: This idiom uses the verb own in the sense of "acknowledge." Deal-breaker Jason said that plastic surgery would be a deal-breaker for a woman he wanted to marry. The maximum of only 5 days holiday is a deal-breaker for the striking employees. Living near a graveyard is deal-breaker for people looking for property. Definition: a factor or issue which, if unresolved during negotiations, would cause the deal to collapse.