Pick up the tab
You should not expect mom and dad to pick up the tab for your extravagant lifestyle.
The residents did not want to pick up the tab for a private road that would only serve one wealthy resident.
The problem with political campaigns is that taxpayers have to pick up the tab.
Definition: to paymoneyforsomething
Emily clearly photoshopped her online dating profile, because she looks average in real life.
Michelle Phan does not need photoshop because she is a make up genius.
Kevin photoshopped his pictures to make himself appear more handsome.
Definition: to modify photos to make oneself appear more attractive.
Cozy up
It is good to see that the two world leaders are cozying up.
The insurance salesman did his best to cozy up to the customer.
It is a good idea to cozy up to Cameron, he is well connected.
Definition: to try to get in good with someone; to try to increase one&`&s influence with someone by being extra nice and friendly.