Buzz lingo丨你知道吗,创业公司怎么表达“成长的烦恼”?

Buzz lingo丨你知道吗,创业公司怎么表达“成长的烦恼”?

2015-11-06    08'28''

主播: EZFM China Drive

4381 178

To have growing pains The banker apologized for the ATM giving me fake money, claiming the new bank was having growing pains. The rocket industry sacrificed a dog named Laika, because they were still going through growing pains. The Chinese movie industry is still going through some growing pains. Definition: to have difficulties in its early stages of growth. Etymology: for a child] to have pains��which are attributed to growth-in the muscles and joints Pinch pennies The old man pinched pennies that he eventually amassed a fortune. There is no need to pinch pennies, now that you're working full time. Vincent is not pinching pennies, he just broke up and has nothing to spend money on. Definition: be thrifty 24/7 The law firm boasted that they were open 24/7 in order to attract customers. Susan was concerned her daughter was on her phone 24/7. Gerald is thinking of ways to pinch pennies 24/7 Definition: all the time