

2014-02-26    00'35''

主播: EZFM China Drive

989 61

金秀贤确定3月8日出席江苏卫视"最强大脑"节目录制.同一天,李敏镐也要在杭州出席商业活动.那么妇女节当天,这两位韩国明星到底谁能抢占头条呢? Kim Soo Hyun will arrive in Jiangsu to shoot an episode of the reality show "The Brain" on March 8th. This is the South Korean star's first appearance in China. On the same day, Lee Min Ho will also be in Jiangsu to attend a commercial activity. Kim Soo Hyun became a household name for his role in hit TV drama "You who came from the stars", while Lee recently appeared on China Central Television. Both are highly popular among Chinese women, but only one of them will top headlines on Women's day on March 8th. 关键字: reality show=真人秀 commercial activity=商业活动 headline=头条
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