

2014-02-27    01'24''

主播: EZFM China Drive

517 46

一个北漂小伙子为了教会自己的父母如何使用微信,一笔一画画了一本九页的微信使用说明书.该说明书现在在微博上疯狂转载,网友们仿佛被戳中了泪点, 称该男子为北漂暖男. A man in Beijing recently created a nine page hand-drawn tutorial in a notebook in order to teach his parents on how to use the popular instant messaging APP Wechat. Now, the tutorial has become hugely popular online among netizens. Zhang Ming, 26 from Shandong province who lives and works in Beijing bought two smartphones for his parents, believing that this would make it easier for them to keep in touch. But to his disappointment, his parents only managed to learn a number of basic skills such as how to turn on and shut down the handsets and make phone calls. He sketched the screens of WeChat and marked each item with illustrations including functions and usages. In the nine page manual, he explained how to send text messages, voice messages, pictures and emoticons. This heart-warming gesture and easy-to-understand guide won over millions of netizens who have since given him the nickname "a warm man in Beijing". instant messaging APP 即时通讯应用 APP = application 应用 sketch 草图、画草图 illustrations 示意图