Fighting Fate 抵抗命运的少年

Fighting Fate 抵抗命运的少年

2019-10-14    02'26''

主播: 树叶子janie

235 1

【前思英语英文甜点分享】 今天是2019年10月14日,星期一,晚安   今晚分享:Fighting 抵抗命运的小小少年   He stands on two flaming wheels. He has three heads and six arms. He is Ne Zha! Most of you might already know the story of Ne Zha. But the new film Ne Zha this summer shows a different side of the young hero.In the film, Ne Zha is born as a demon. People hate and fear him. Their prejudice is like a mountain. No one can move it. 他踩着风火轮,他有三头六臂,他就是哪吒!你们中的大多数人可能已经知道哪吒的故事,这个夏天的新电影哪吒展现了这位年轻英雄的另一面。在电影里,哪吒出生为恶魔。人们讨厌和害怕他。他们的偏见就像一座山。没有人能移动它。    However, Ne Zha doesn’t believe in his fate. He wants to be a hero and helps people catch monsters. “The one that shapes my destiny will always be myself rather than the gods,” Ne Zha says. 然而,哪吒并不相信他的命运。“塑造我命运的人永远是我自己而不是神,”他说,他想成为英雄,帮助人们捕捉怪物。  “Prejudice is the real robber ,” French writer Victor Hugo once said. Dealing with prejudice can be hard or even painful. But it is still worth fighting. “偏见才是真正的强盗,”法国作家雨果曾经说过。处理偏见可能是困难的,甚至是痛苦的。但它仍然值得一搏。 本期录音:前思英语 | 赵老师 【前思,陪你一起看世界】  ✈ ✈