Renee小朋友朗读的-David Goes to School

Renee小朋友朗读的-David Goes to School

2015-12-18    01'40''

主播: 晓华亲子英语

10733 237

小淘气必看绘本之——《David Goes to School》 淘气的David在学校又惹出什么祸了?让我们听Renee小朋友来讲故事吧。关注微信公号“晓华亲子英语”可以看故事图文。 David Goes to School No David! No yelling! No pushing! No running in the hall! David, you're tardy! Sit down, David. Don't chew gum in class. David, raise your hand. Keep your hand to yourself. Pay attention. Wait your turn, David. I don't care who started it! David, recess is over. Shhhhhhh. Again? That's it, mister. You're staying after school. David, have you finished? Good job, David! Yes, David, you can go home now.