90s' News-暖心网络抗洪&新节目碎碎念

90s' News-暖心网络抗洪&新节目碎碎念

2016-07-07    06'04''

主播: TessieTIAN

195 8

China steps up flood rescue in Wuhan Flood relief and rescue efforts have been stepped up in the Chinese city of Wuhan, which has been hit by severe flooding. Transport links and water and power supplies in the city of 10 million are severely affected. Flooding across central and southern China has killed more than 180 people, state media have reported. The Chinese premier has called upon local authorities across the country to be prepared for further downpours. On Thursday, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang warned local authorities across China to be prepared for further downpours, and instructed them to ensure measures were in place to avoid potential risks to people's lives. He has been visiting affected areas in Anhui, Hunan and Hubei provinces and was in Wuhan, the capital of Hubei, to oversee relief and rescue operations on Wednesday. Amid the crisis, official figures for the number of dead have fluctuated. On Wednesday state television put the overall toll at about 170. Netizens are sharing images on social media showing submerged buildings and cars, and people wading through water up to their knees. They are also sharing stories of people helping with flood control measures, under the hashtag 'We're mobilising against the Wuhan floods.' From BBC News Available from: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-china-36732306