

2015-05-21    01'09''

主播: 每日听写

595 29

Hello, welcome to “Learning slang with Tiantian” Today let’s learn a very authentic American slang: “ a day late and a dollar short.” What does this mean? Let's find out by listening to an conversation. A: Hey- did you hear Steve was late to the birthday party, and he forgot to bring a gift! B: Yes, I did, he is always a day late and a dollar short to everything. A: I know 所以呢, 这句话的意思就是, 他做的事情总是让人不满意! 这句话是和朋友之间的一句非常口语的表达哦,表达责怪的意思。 I love running and English.(希望当一个可以教体育的英语老师) I firmly believe that persistence makes a great person. 欢迎大家加我的微信,1993064178。 和天天学英语,天天向上