Lively English with Tiantian"点餐”

Lively English with Tiantian"点餐”

2015-05-27    00'33''

主播: 每日听写

432 33

Hello, Welcome to “Lively English with Tiantian”. Today let’s learn a sentence taking place in the restaurant! 点餐,我们有时候会不知道点什么, 所以总是说随便! 随便怎么表达最合适呢? 英文是 “ I’m in your hands. What do you recommend.”悉听尊便,你推荐什么呢? Let’s repeat today’s sentence together I love running and English. I firmly believe that persistence makes a great person .欢迎大家加我的微信,搜索“1993064178”。 和天天学英语,天天向上