lively english with Tiantian

lively english with Tiantian

2015-06-05    00'56''

主播: 每日听写

596 25

Hello, Welcome to “Lively English with Tiantian ”.大周五的, 是不是开始计划着周末去哪里疯一疯呢? 比如我, 突然有了去海边玩一玩的兴致, 这时候, 你可以说, I am in the mood for going to the beach during the weekends. 所以,周末就要来了,Are you in any mood for doing anything? 你有什么兴致, 去哪里么? 好啦, 请大家repeat after me“ I am in the mood for going to the beach during the weekends. ” I love running and English. I firmly believe that persistence makes a great person.欢迎大家加我的微信,搜索“1993064178”。请务必备注 “ 来自荔枝FM. 和天天学英语,天天向上
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