Hello, everyone! Welcome to “ Learn authentic idiom with
Tiantian.” 如果你想告诉别人说, 不到最后关头不要放弃, 有一个俚语哦, 是这样说的“ it is not
over until the fat lady sings”. 不到那个胖女人唱歌,就没有完! 这句话其实是因为一个歌剧, 歌剧的结尾总是一个胖胖的女人出来, 所以这个渐渐演变成为了, 到最后一刻之前, 千万不要放弃。
So Let’s repeat this sentence : “it is not
over until the fat lady sings”.
I love English and running, I firmly believe that persistence
makes a great person!
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