每日听写答案解析: Million years ago-Adele

每日听写答案解析: Million years ago-Adele

2017-11-01    08'40''

主播: 每日听写

63 4

单词听写答案 I only wanted to have fun 我只是想享受韶光 Learning to fly, learning to run 学奔跑学飞翔 I let my heart decide the way when I was young 当我年少的时候一切都随心而行 Deep down I must have always known 然而我早已明白 That this would be inevitable 万事皆注定 To earn my stripes I&`&d have to pay 一身荣耀,一身红尘 And bear my soul 而无处安放我心 单词 inevitable : you can&`&t avoid or prevent EG: The consequence is inevitable. stripe to earn a promotion by hardworking EG: Through many years&`& hard work, Mr. Wang has earned his stripes. bear : if you bear somethig ,you hold it or you carry it 但是这句话的bear my soul可以理解为: 浮生涟漪,心神不宁。 也就是前面说到的, earn the strips , i have to pay, 而pay的一部分就是心灵的不安 天天说 想和大家分享网易音乐这首歌下面的评论。 看了评论你就知道, you are not the only one