每日听写答案解析: 高年级实习生

每日听写答案解析: 高年级实习生

2017-11-14    06'19''

主播: 每日听写

300 6

听写答案 I read once, musicians don't retire. They stop when there's no more music in them. Well, I still have music in me, absolutely positive about that. 我曾看到一句话,音乐家并不退休。他们心中再无音乐时才收手。我心中还有音乐,这点毋庸置疑。 单词发音和应用 musician|mjuːˈzɪʃn| A musician is a person who plays a musical instrument as their job or hobby. A:What's your job? B:I am a musician retire | rɪˈtaɪə(r)| When older people retire, they leave their job and usually stop working completely. Eg: When i retire, i plan to travel around the world absolutely |ˈæbsəlu:tli| used to emphasize something is completely true Eg: I am absolutely sure that she is going to dump him. positive 在这一句话中, absotely positive 意思是完全肯定上述的一句话。 比如如果你说, I fall in love with you at the very first sight, absolutely positive about that! 意思就是我第一眼就看上了你, 毋庸置疑。 本一出现,叨咕着弗洛伊德的一句话:“爱和工作,是生活的全部。”如果这句话是对的,那么老去简直就是生活的全部杀手:爱人离去,出席最多的社交活动就是老朋友的葬礼,工作不再需要自己,即便一身智慧,却无用武之地。 不知道本知不知道弗洛伊德有个后继者叫艾里克森,他说人生最后阶段叫做“成熟期”,其使命是自我统合,把过去的现在的未来的是我的不是我的好的坏的悉数做个整理,若回望来时路感到心满意足多而遗憾悔恨少,便会收获人生的终极大礼,名曰“智慧”。Experience never gets old, so does wisdom. 祈望多年后,长成一个老者,健气、优雅、独立,像本一样。