3620<Monsters in your head >英文

3620<Monsters in your head >英文

2020-05-22    04'18''

主播: Suyi的陌上花开

88 1

Monsters in Your Head You fought the good fight, 你已战无不胜, And you thought you won all of the battles, 而却居功自满, That left you here, 在你离开之地, The armor your wore and the shield you held up, 身披盔甲手持盾牌, Didn't matter, 然而这已不值一提, You still live in fear, 你仍惶惶不可终日, So where does this leave you, 在你被遗忘之地, Where does this stop, 在恐惧消失之处, Where do you go from here, 在你的离身之城, Just, look to tomorrow, 来日方长指日可待, Look straight ahead, 勇往直前坚持不懈, Don't be discouraged, 相信你会越挫越勇, Don't let them win, 决不会让它战胜你, There's no use in crying, 呜咽多么欠缺考虑, It's not the end, 这不是你要的结局, Don't listen to those, 抛开一切恼人之物, Monsters in your head, 打败你脑中的恶魔, Darkness is setting in, 黑寂不断长夜漫漫, You’re giving way to the voices, 你不停地大声呼疾, Believing them now, 相信吧, All of the goodness that once lived inside, 好运气终究会降临, Now is haunted, 旧事萦绕心头不断, Can't find its way out, 抚今追昔寻找出路, So where does this leave you, 在你被遗忘之地, Where does it stop, 在恐惧消失之处, Where do you go from here, 在你的离身之城, Just, look to tomorrow, 来日方长指日可待, Look straight ahead, 勇往直前坚持不懈, Don't be discouraged, 相信你会越挫越勇, Don't let them win, 决不会让它战胜你, There's no use in crying, 抽噎多么欠缺考虑, It's not the end, 这不是你要的结局, Don't listen to those, 抛开一切恼人之物, Monsters in your head, 打败你脑中的恶魔。