

2020-06-30    07'06''

主播: Suyi的陌上花开

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情人节特辑——我不介意你让我心碎 1. The Fault in Our Stars, John Green 《星运里的错》 约翰·格林 "Oh, I wouldn't mind, Hazel Grace. It would be a privilege to have my heart broken by you." “我不介意,哈泽尔格雷斯。我很荣幸你能让我心碎。” Why this breaks your heart: When you’re in that first yearning stage — standing on the outer edges of love and peering into it — you think that surely you can withstand any heartbreak that may result from lending your heart to someone else. You beautiful fool. 心碎理由:最初的时候,你站在爱的边缘、窥探其中,任何因为全心全意爱一个人而心碎的痛苦、你都认为自己能够承受。你个美丽的傻瓜。 2.Anne of Green Gables, L.M. Montgomery 《绿山墙的安妮》 露西·莫德·蒙哥马利 There is no use in loving things if you have to be torn from them. Is there? And it's so hard to keep from loving things, isn't it? 因为爱一个人而受到伤害有什么意义呢?但不去爱又真的很难,不是吗? Why this breaks your heart: You know too well that all beginnings have their endings, even if they're way off somewhere far. It’stempting to try and protect your heart to keep it from ever breaking. But! A heart that's never used is also broken. 心碎理由:你心知肚明,任何开始都有结尾,即使它们偏离了最初的终点。人会出于本能地保护自己的心免受破碎之苦,但是!如果你连尝试爱的勇气都没有,那么你也会感受到心碎之苦。 3.The Little Mermaid, Hans Christian Andersen 《海的女儿》 汉斯·克里斯蒂安·安徒生 Never had she danced so beautifully; the sharp knives cut her feet, but she did not feel it, for the pain in her heart was far greater. 她从没有跳得那么美;锋利的刀伤到了她的脚,但是她没有感觉到,因为她的心远比伤口痛。 Why this breaks your heart: Sometimes you put yourself out there and, well. And nothing. 心碎理由:有时你只能硬撑着着,强颜欢笑。痛苦让你无话可说。 4.Sin City, Vol. 3, Frank Miller 《罪恶之城》(第三卷) 弗兰克·米勒 The fire, baby. It'll burn us both. There's no place in this world for our kind of fire. My warrior woman. My valkyrie. You'll always be mine. Always. And never. 亲爱的,爱火让我们燃烧起来。但这世上容不下我们的爱火。我的女勇士,我的女武神,你一直都是我的。虽然我们永远不能真正在一起。 Why this breaks your heart: Sometimes you put yourself out there, placing your heart in someone else's hands, and the obstacles are two great for both of you to overcome intact. The love is there. But sometimes that‘s not enough. 心碎理由:有时候你倾尽所有,让自己全心全意爱一个人。但是阻碍太大,无法克服。爱虽在,但有时候仅仅有爱却不能在一起、是不够的。 5.My Mortal Enemy, Willa Cather 《不共戴天的仇敌》 薇拉·凯瑟 People can be lovers and enemies at the same time, you know. 你知道吗,人可以同时是情人和敌人。 Why this breaks your heart: You are all too aware that you can adore someone with your whole stupid heart, and yet hate them with your whole entire mind. Someone can be right AND wrong for you. 心碎理由:你很清楚,自己可以用那愚蠢的心去溺爱一个人,但是恨他们的时候,用的却是你的整个大脑。对你来说,和这个人在一起既是对的、又是错的。 6.The Little Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 《小王子》 安东尼·德·圣-埃克苏佩里 So the little prince tamed the fox. And when the hour of his departure drew near. "Ah," said the fox, "I shall cry." 于是小王子驯服了狐狸。当他要离开的时候,狐狸说,“啊,我要哭了。” "It is your own fault," said the little prince. I never wished you any sort of harm, but you wanted me to tame you... “这是你自己犯的错。我从没有想过伤害你,但是你想要被我驯服,”小王子说。 "Yes, that is so," said the fox. “是的,是这样,”狐狸说。 "But now you are going to cry!" said the little prince. “但是你却要哭了!”小王子说。 "Yes, that is so," said the fox. “是的,是这样,”狐狸说。 Why this breaks your heart: That pain is awful, your heart feeling like a dead thing in your chest. But it doesn't mean love is never worth it. 心碎理由:你真的很痛,你的心脏感觉就像停止跳动了一样。但这并不是说爱永远都不值得这种撕心裂肺的疼痛。 7.Heartburn, Nora Ephron 《心痛》 诺拉·伊佛朗 And then the dreams break into a million tiny pieces. The dream dies, which leaves you with a chioce: you can settle for reality, or you can go off, like a fool, and dream another dream. 然后美梦变得支离破碎,碎成几百万个小碎片。梦碎了,你也必须选择,是因为现实而安定下来,还是像个傻瓜一样、去追寻另一个梦。 Why this breaks your heart: Things end. They do. They die and they fade and they wither or they just went away when you weren't paying attention. The foolish thing to do is go after a new beginning. So go out and be a fool. It's so worth it. 心碎理由:所有事都终结了。你不关心的时候,它们死亡、淡出记忆、枯萎或离去。开始追寻一个新的梦想会成别人眼里的傻瓜。别担心,就去做个傻瓜吧,因为它值得。
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