8120<Letter >英文

8120<Letter >英文

2020-07-22    04'15''

主播: Suyi的陌上花开

74 0

一封信,三夏日,胜五十年孤寂 My dearest lady, 我最亲爱的女士: I am now at a very pleasant cottage window, 我正惬意地临窗而坐, looking onto a beautiful hilly country, 眺望远山如黛, with a view of the sea. 碧海连天, The morning is very fine. 晨光和煦, I do not know how elastic my spirit might be, 我之所以能调适心情, what pleasure I might have in living here, 享受此间生活, if the remembrance of you did not weigh so upon me. 全因有你的甜蜜回忆相伴, Ask yourself, my love, whether you are not very cruel to have so entrammelled me, 你近乎残忍,让我无可自拔, so destroyed my freedom. 将自由拱手相让, For myself, I know not how to express my devotion to so fair a form. 曼妙如你,我欲诉衷肠却一时语塞, I want a brighter word than bright,a fairer word than fair. 再璀璨烂漫的字句都不足以形容, I almost wish we were butterflies, 期翼你我化蝶, and lived but three summer days. 生命仅有三个夏日, Three such days with you I could fill with more delight, 有你相伴 三日的欢愉, than 50 common years could ever contain. 也胜过50年寂寥岁月, When you can confess this in a letter, 在信里向我倾诉, you must write immediately, 即刻动笔, and do all you can to console me in it, 全力抚慰我, make it rich as a draft of poppies, 满篇的情愫, to intoxicate me, 像罂粟般迷醉我心, write the softest words and kiss them, 亲吻你最温柔的字句, That I may at least touch my lips where yours have been. 至少我也能感受你唇间的余温晨读|一封信,三夏日,胜五十年孤寂 有道晨读 诉之于口,听之于耳,记之于心 已关注 有道晨读 周一至周日每日更新 一封信,三夏日,胜五十年孤寂 晨读|一封信,三夏日,胜五十年孤寂 02:41 / 02:52 My dearest lady, 我最亲爱的女士: I am now at a very pleasant cottage window, 我正惬意地临窗而坐, looking onto a beautiful hilly country, 眺望远山如黛, with a view of the sea. 碧海连天, The morning is very fine. 晨光和煦, I do not know how elastic my spirit might be, 我之所以能调适心情, what pleasure I might have in living here, 享受此间生活, if the remembrance of you did not weigh so upon me. 全因有你的甜蜜回忆相伴, Ask yourself, my love, whether you are not very cruel to have so entrammelled me, 你近乎残忍,让我无可自拔, so destroyed my freedom. 将自由拱手相让, For myself, I know not how to express my devotion to so fair a form. 曼妙如你,我欲诉衷肠却一时语塞, I want a brighter word than bright,a fairer word than fair. 再璀璨烂漫的字句都不足以形容, I almost wish we were butterflies, 期翼你我化蝶, and lived but three summer days. 生命仅有三个夏日, Three such days with you I could fill with more delight, 有你相伴 三日的欢愉, than 50 common years could ever contain. 也胜过50年寂寥岁月, When you can confess this in a letter, 在信里向我倾诉, you must write immediately, 即刻动笔, and do all you can to console me in it, 全力抚慰我, make it rich as a draft of poppies, 满篇的情愫, to intoxicate me, 像罂粟般迷醉我心, write the softest words and kiss them, 亲吻你最温柔的字句, That I may at least touch my lips where yours have been. 至少我也能感受你唇间的余温。 朗读:Anna 文章来源:《Letter》 BGM:Fabrizio Paterlini - Pensiero notturno 翻译贡献者:(来自网易云音乐用户)切尔西的匕首 图片来源:视觉中国 本音频系:有道词典原创,如需使用或投稿,请联系youdaozmt@service.netease.com;任何网站或单位未经允许不得非法盗链、转载和使用,违者必究 学英语难难难?这里有件学习神器,戳蓝字了解一下? 有道晨读 “”诉之于口,听之于耳,记之于心 已关注 3 @ 2020 有道词典 - 看天下