

2015-06-06    12'29''

主播: 小听童

459 7

【小听童双语故事】阿里巴巴和四十大盗1上集 小听童微信公众号:xtingtong 阿里巴巴家里很穷,一次,他跟踪了四十个盗贼,知道了打开宝藏之门的密语,阿里巴带了很多金银财宝回家,从此过上了好日子,但是好景不长,强盗头子找到了他。。。。 This is the story of Alibaba. Ali baba was very poor . He lived with his wife Zoraida in Arabia. They lived in a small house between a big city and the desert. Alibaba ‘s job was very hard . He collected water and sold it ot travelers. Every day, he put empty jars on his mule and walked four miles to the oasis . There aliBaba filled the jars with water. Then he went into the desert and sold the water. One day , Ali baba saw forty men on horses. The men had swords and spears. They looked very bad . They rode quickly across the desert . they didn’t see Alibaba and his mule ‘Who are those bad men?’ Ali Baba thougt. Ali Baba followed them. But he was very careful because he didn’t want the bad men to see him. Alibaba followed the forty men a long way. They came to a mountain and stopped in front of a big stone. Alibaba hid behind a palm tree and watched. ‘Open . Sesame !’ shouted the leader. The big stone moved. There was a cave behind it ! the forty men went in to the cave and stayed there for a long time . When they came out , the leadrer shouted , ‘ Close , Sesame!’ The big stone moved and the cave closed. The forty men rode away on their houses. Ali baba wanted to go into the cave. He stood in front of the big stone and he said, ‘ Open, Sesame!’ It was amazing! The big stone moved . Ali Baba went into the cave with his mule. He was very surprised. There were lots of chests and they were full of gold coins, jewels and expensive things. ‘Those men are thieves,’ said Ali Baba. ‘I must be quick,’ thought Ali Baba . ‘The thieves will come back soon .’ The mule had four jars on its back, Ali Baba filled the jars with treasure and he left the cave . ‘Close , Sesame !’ he said , The stone moved and the cave closed.