

2015-06-20    12'42''

主播: 小听童

216 7

【小听童中英双语故事】阿里巴巴和四十大盗Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves3下集 小听童微信公众号:xtingtong 阿里巴巴家里很穷,一次,他跟踪了四十个盗贼,知道了打开宝藏之门的密语,阿里巴带了很多金银财宝回家,从此过上了好日子,但是好景不长,强盗头子找到了他。。。。 The leader of the thieves arrived at Ali Baba’s house. He hid his face and he knocked on the door. Ali Baba opened the door. ‘Hello, kind Ali Baba. I’m hungry and tired. Can I eat supper with you?’ asked the leader of the thieves. ‘Of course you can, traveller,’ said Ali Baba. ‘Leave your mules and jars in the garden and come in. My wife will cook supper for us.’ ‘What’s in the jars?’ Ali Baba asked the leader of the thieves. ‘Oil,’ said the leader of the thieves. Zoraida heard him. She needed some oil for supper. She went into the garden to get some oil from one of the jars. She knocked on the first jar to check that it was full. But the jar spoke! ‘Now?’ asked the thief. Zoraida was very surprised, but she didn’t panic. ‘No, not now,’ she answered. Zoraida knocked on all the jars. The thieves in the jars asked her the same question. Zoraida gave them the same answer. Zoraida went to the town guards and told thereabout the jars in her garden. The guards came to Ali Baba’s house and found the thieves. When Zoraida went into the house, she heard Ali Baba talking to the leader of the thieves. ‘Can I buy some of your oil?’ Ali Baba asked. ‘Yes. It is excellent oil,’ said the leader of the thieves. Zoraida laughed. ‘It is excellent because it can talk!’ she said. ‘What do you mean, Zoraida?’ asked Ali Baba. But the leader of the thieves knew. Suddenly, he took out his sword and tried to kill Ali Baba. But two guards ran into the house and stopped the thief. The forty thieves went to court. ‘You are very bad men. You □re thieves,’ said the judge. ‘You will go to prison for a very ong time.’ The judge put the thieves in prison forever. Ali Baba and the guards went to the cave. ‘Open, Sesame!’ said Ali Baba. The stone moved and they went into the cave. The guards took the treasure out of the cave. When they took away the last chest, water came out of the cave and it made a river. Now travellers always stop at the river to drink water. In the desert, water is the best treasure of all!