【小听童中英文双语分句童话故事】三个纺织女The Three Spinners 1上集

【小听童中英文双语分句童话故事】三个纺织女The Three Spinners 1上集

2015-08-08    08'10''

主播: 小听童

192 9

从前有个女孩儿,怎么都不愿意纺纱。有一天,母亲骂了她一顿,她于是哭起来。正巧这时王后乘车从门前经过,吩咐把车停下来,进屋询问那位母亲为什么打女儿。做母亲的回答说:“我叫她不要再纺纱了,可她就是不听,我穷啊,哪儿买得起那么多的亚麻让她纺呀!” A long time ago, a woman and her daughter lived in a cottage in the forest. The girl worked hard. She helped her mother every day. She washed the clothes, she cleaned the house and she cooked. But she didn’t want to spin the flax. Every day, her mother said, “You must spin the flax. We need thread.” But the girl didn't like to spin. Every day, her mother told her, “You’re a naughty girl!” and the girl always cried. One day, the Queen went for a trip in her carriage. She heard the girl crying and she told the driver to stop outside the cottage. The woman and the girl came outside. “Why is your daughter crying?” asked the Queen. The woman didn’t want to tell the Queen that her daughter didn’t like to spin. So, she told a lie! “Dear Queen, my daughter is crying because she wants to spin. But we haven’t got enough flax for her to spin,” Said the woman. “Your daughter must come to my palace,” said the Queen. “I’ve got lots of flax. She can spin all day!” The woman was happy. She wanted her daughter to learn how to spin. At the palace, the Queen showed the girl three rooms. They were full of flax! “Spin this flax into thread. When the thread is ready, you will marry my son,” Said the Queen. The Queen left and the poor girl didn’t know what to do! “I don’t know how to spin!” she said. She sat down, but she didn’t do anything. Three days later, the Queen came to see the girl. The flax was still there. There wasn’t any thread. The Queen was very angry. “Why aren’t you spinning?” asked the Queen. “I’m sorry, but I can’t spin. I miss my mother,” said the girl. “OK,” said the Queen. “But tomorrow you must start to spin.”