【小听童中英文双语分句童话故事】三个纺织女The Three Spinners 2中集

【小听童中英文双语分句童话故事】三个纺织女The Three Spinners 2中集

2015-08-14    07'12''

主播: 小听童

191 10

The Queen left and the girl was sad. She didn’t know what to do! She went to the window and she saw three women outside. They looked very strange! The first woman had a big foot. The second woman had a big lip. And the third woman had a big thumb. The three woman looked up at the window and they saw the girl. “Why are you crying?” the first woman asked. The girl told the three woman about the Queen and the flax. “Don’t worry. We will help you,” said the second woman. “But you must promise us one thing. You must invite us to you wedding and you must say that we are your aunts.” “Promise this, and we will spin the flax for you,” said the third woman. The girl promised. The three strange woman went up the stairs and they saw the three rooms full of flax. They sat at the spinning wheel and they started to spin. The first woman pressed the pedal with her big foot. The second woman made the flax wet with her big lip. And the third woman twisted the thread with her big thumb. They worked all day and all night. Soon there was lots of thread. The next day, the Queen came to see the girl again. The three woman hid in a cupboard. The Queen saw the thread and she was very pleased. “You’re working very hard,” said the Queen. “You are a good girl. Soon you will marry my son!” The Queen came to see the girl every day, and every day there was more thread. Soon the first room was empty. Then the second room was empty. At last, the third room was empty! All the thread was ready! The girl was very happy and she danced around the room. The three woman said goodbye to the girl. “Don’t forget your promise,” they said.