【小听童双语故事】丹尼和恐龙上集Danny and the Dinosaur

【小听童双语故事】丹尼和恐龙上集Danny and the Dinosaur

2015-09-11    12'15''

主播: 小听童

557 13

【小听童双语故事】丹尼和恐龙上集Danny and the Dinosaur 小听童微信公众号:xtingtong P5. One day Danny went to the museum. He wanted to see what was inside. 有一天,丹尼去了博物馆,他想要看看里面都有什么东西。 P6. He saw Indians. He saw bears. He saw Eskimos. 他看到了印第安人、看到了熊、看到了爱斯基摩人。 P7. He saw guns. He saw swords. And he saw… 他看到枪、看到剑、还看到…... P8. DINOSAURS! 恐龙! P9. Danny loved dinosaurs. He wished he had one. 丹尼喜欢恐龙。他希望自己能有一只恐龙。 P10. “I’m sorry they are not real,” said Danny. “It would be nice to play with a dinosaur.” “真可惜,它们不是真的,”丹尼说。“和恐龙玩一定很有趣。” P11. “And I think it would be nice to play with you,” said a voice. “Can you?” said Danny. “我觉得和你玩一定也很有趣,”有个声音说着。 “可以吗?”丹尼问。 P12. “Yes,” said the dinosaur. “Oh, good,” said Danny. “What can we do?” “没错,”恐龙说。 “噢,好,”丹尼说。“我们可以做什么?” P13. “I can take you for a ride,” said the dinosaur. He put his head down so Danny could get on him. “我可以驮着你,”恐龙说。他把头低下,让丹尼骑上去。 P14. “Let’s go!” said Danny. “我们出发!”丹尼说。 P15. A policeman stared at them. He had never seen a dinosaur stop for a red light. 一个警察盯着他们看。他从来没见过等红灯的恐龙。 P16. The dinosaur was so tall Danny had to hold up the ropes for him. 恐龙很高,所以丹尼要为恐龙托起绳索。 P17. “Look out!” said Danny. “小心!”丹尼说。 P18. “Bow wow!” said a dog. “He thinks you are a car,” said Danny. “Go away, dog. We are not a car.” “汪汪!”一只狗叫。 “他以为你是小汽车,”丹尼说。“走开,狗。我们不是小汽车。” P19. “I can make a noise like a car,” said the dinosaur. “Honk! Honk! Honk!” “我能发出像小汽车一样的声音,”恐龙说。“嘟!嘟!嘟!” P20. “What big rocks,” said the dinosaur. “They are not rocks,” said Danny. “They are buildings.” “好大的石头,”恐龙说。 “那不是石头,”丹尼说。“那是楼群。” P21. “I love to climb,” said the dinosaur. “Down, boy!” said Danny. “我喜欢爬楼。”恐龙说。 “快下来,小家伙!”丹尼说。 P22. The dinosaur had to be very careful not to knock over houses or stores with his long tail. 恐龙要很小心,才能让长尾巴不撞到房子和商店。 P23. Some people were waiting for a bus. They rode on the dinosaur’s tail instead. 一些人在等公交车。他们改乘恐龙的尾巴。 P24. “All who want to cross the street may walk on my back,” said the dinosaur. “所有想过马路的人都可以在我的背上走过去,”恐龙说。 P25. “It’s very nice of you to help me with my bundles,” said a lady. “你真是太好了,帮我运这堆东西,”一个女士说。 [待续]