【小听童中英文绘本故事】花婆婆2Miss Rumphius中集

【小听童中英文绘本故事】花婆婆2Miss Rumphius中集

2016-06-05    14'12''

主播: 小听童

670 15

【小听童中英文绘本故事】花婆婆2Miss Rumphius中集 Sometimes she went to the conservatory in the middle of the park. 卢菲丝有时候会到公园中央的温室里看花草。 When she stepped inside on a wintry day, the warm moist air wrapped itself around her, and the sweet smell of jasmine filled her nose. 冬天里,温暖、潮湿的空气中,散发着一股甜甜的茉莉花香。 "This is almost like a tropical isle," said Miss Rumphius. "But not quite." 她深深地吸了一口气:“嗯――有热带岛屿的气息,可惜不是真正的热带岛屿。” So Miss Rumphius went to a real tropical island, where people kept cockatoos and monkeys as pets. 因此,卢菲丝来到了一座真正的热带小岛,岛上的人把猴子和鹦鹉当作宠物。 She walked on long beaches, picking up beautiful shells. 她在海边散步,捡一些美丽的贝壳。 One day she met the Bapa Raja, king of a fishing village. 有一天,她遇见了渔村的村长百瑞加。 "You must be tired," he said. "Come into my house and rest." “你一定累坏了。”村长说,“来我家歇歇吧。” So Miss Rumphius went in and met the Bapa Raja's wife. 于是,卢菲丝到了村长的家,认识了村长太太。 The Bapa Raja himself fetched a green coconut and cut a slice off the top so that Miss Rumphius could drink the coconut water inside. 百瑞家剥开绿色的椰子,请她喝椰子汁。 Before she left, the Bapa Raja gave her a beautiful mother-of-pearl shell on which he had painted a bird of paradise and the words, "You will always remain in my heart." 她离开时,还送她一个漂亮的珍珠贝,上面刻着一只天堂鸟和一行字:“我永远记得你。” "You will always remain in mine too," said Miss Rumphius. 她感动地说:“我也会永远记得你。” My great-aunt Miss Alice Rumphius climbed tall mountains where the snow never melted. 卢菲丝到处去旅行,她爬过高高的雪山。 She went through jungles and across deserts. 走过沙漠,穿过热带丛林。 She saw lions playing and kangaroos jumping. 她还看到正在游戏的狮子,跳跃的袋鼠。 And everywhere she made friends she would never forget. 每经过一个地方,她都结交了一些难忘的好朋友。 Finally she came to the Land of the Lotus-Eaters, and there, getting off a camel, she hurt her back. 最后,她来到东方的一个小国家,她在骑骆驼的时候,不小心摔了下来,她的背部受伤了。 "What a foolish thing to do," said Miss Rumphius. "Well, I have certainly seen faraway places. Maybe it is time to find my place by the sea." “唉!我真是笨手笨脚!”她说:“算了,我已经走过那么多地方,也许我应该做第二件事,到海边找个房子住下来。” And it was, and she did. 于是,她果真在海边找了个房子住了下来。 From the porch of her new house Miss Rumphius watched the sun come up; she watched it cross the heavens and sparkle on the water; and she saw it set in glory in the evening. 卢菲丝从新房子的走廊上,可以看见太阳升起来,横过天空,然后慢慢地落入海中。 She started a little garden among the rocks that surrounded her house, 新房子的前面围了一些石头,她在石头中间,开辟了一座花园。 and she planted a few flower seeds in the stony ground. Miss Rumphius was almost perfectly happy. 当她撒下花种子的时候,心里非常快乐。 "But there is still one more thing I have to do," she said. "I have to do something to make the world more beautiful." “对了!我答应过爷爷,要做一件让世界变得更美丽的事。” But what? 但是,做什么好呢? "The world already is pretty nice," she thought, looking out over the ocean. 这世界已经够美了!”她常常望着大海,不停地想着这个问题。 The next spring Miss Rumphius was not very well. 第二年春天,卢菲丝过得并不好。 Her back was bothering her again, and she had to stay in bed most of the time. 她背部的伤又发作了,大部分的时间,她都躺在床上。 The flowers she had planted the summer before had bloomed in spite of the stony ground. 她在去年夏天撒下的种子,不知不觉地已经开花了。 She could see them from her bedroom window, blue and purple and rose-colored. 她从卧室的窗口望出去,可以看到蓝色、紫色和粉红色的花朵,轻轻地摇曳着。 "Lupines," said Miss Rumphius with satisfaction. “鲁冰花!”她非常满意地对自己说。 "I have always loved lupines the best. I wish I could plant more seeds this summer so that I could have still more flowers next year." “我最喜欢这种花了,希望今年夏天,我可以下床去撒更多的种子,那么,明年就会开出更多的鲁冰花了。” But she was not able to. 但是,她一直躺着,没有办法下床…… [中集完 待续]