【小听童中英文绘本故事】吃六顿晚餐的猫1Six-Dinner Sid上集

【小听童中英文绘本故事】吃六顿晚餐的猫1Six-Dinner Sid上集

2016-06-19    07'20''

主播: 小听童

435 16

Sid lived at number 1, Aristotle Street. 席德住在亚里士多德街一号, He also lived at number 2, number 3, number 4, number 5 AND number 6. 它也住在二号、三号、四号、五号和六号。 Six lived in six houses, so that he could have six dinners. 席德住在六户人家里, 这样就可以吃六顿晚餐。 Each night, he would slip out of number 1, where he might have had chicken, into number 2 for fish. 每天晚上。他在一号吃完了鸡肉,就溜进二号吃鱼…… Onto number 3 for lamb, mince at number 4, 又去三号吃羊肉,在四号吃碎肉, fish again at number 5, rounding off at number six with beef-and-kidney stew. 到五号又吃鱼,最后在六号吃 炖牛杂。 Since no-one talked to their neighbours in Aristotle Street, no-one knew what Sid was up to. 住在亚里士多德街上的人彼此不往来,所以没有人知道席德在搞什么鬼, They each believed the cat they fed was theirs and theirs alone. 他们每一家都认为自己是这只猫的主人,而且是唯一的主人。 But Sid had to work hard for his dinners. 当然啦,席德也得付出代价才有晚餐吃。 It wasn't easy being six people's pets. 同时当六家的宠物并不容易, He had six different names to remember and six different ways to behave. 他得记住六个不同的名字,表现六种不同的样子。 When he was being Scaramouche, Sid put on swanky airs. 当他叫「无赖」的时候,他就神气活现。 As Bob, he had a job. 当他叫「伙计」时,他得工作。 He was naughty as Satan and silly as Sally. 叫「魔头」时,他顽皮得不得了… 主人叫他「傻蛋」,他立刻变得傻乎乎的。 As Sooty, he smooched. But as Schwarz, he had to act rough and tough. 当他叫「黑糖」时,他会很粘人。 但是叫「霸王」时,他就凶巴巴的。 All this work sometimes wore Sid out, 席德扮演这么多角色,真是累坏了。 but he didn't care, as long as he had his six dinners. 但是他不在意,只要有六顿晚餐可以吃也就值得了。 And besides, he liked being scratched in six different places and sleeping in six different beds. 而且,他喜欢… 人家挠他六个不同的部位, 睡六张不同的床。 In fact, life in Aristotle Street was just about perfect for Sid until 事实上,对席德来说,住在亚里士多德街简直太完美了,直到有一天。 one cold, damp day, he caught a nasty cough. 天气又冷又湿,他染上重感冒。 [上集完 待续]