

2016-07-09    10'40''

主播: 小听童

398 18

The news of the Monster of Palapala mountain spread quickly through out Sugarplum village. 帕拉帕拉山有妖怪!这件事很快就传遍了整个弹珠村。 “How horrible it would be if that monster ever came out the mountain” The villagers thought. “如果妖怪下山来,就太恐怖了!”村民们想。 They discussed the ways to protect themselves. 弹珠村的居民开始想各种办法保护自己。 Yet accidents kept happening. 倒霉的事却不断发生。 “The monster must have laid a curse on us.” said the old village head. “Em. That must be it”. “一定是妖怪在诅咒我们!”老村长紧张地说。“嗯!一定是!” Children worried that the Monster would come for them. 平常不听话的小孩儿都担心妖怪会来找他。 Their parents would say things like: 父母们常常这样说: “ If you don’t go to bed now, the monster of Palapala will get you ! ” 再不去睡觉,妖怪就来找你了! “If you bother your sister, the monster of Palapala will bother you!” 再欺负妹妹,就叫妖怪把你抓走。 “Noisy boys become Monster toys” 再吵,就把你送给妖怪当玩具。 “One more trick, and you will be send up the mountains.” 再调皮 ,就把你送去山上。 “The monster of Palapala always picks a child who is picky either.” 妖怪最喜欢吃挑食的小孩儿。 “Get to your homework, or the monster will gobble you well”. 快去写功课,妖怪都吃不用功的小孩儿。 Just as the Sugarplum village was becoming a terrible mass, two porcupines walked into the village and ask where Bubba was. 整个弹珠村乱成一团,这时侯,两只豪猪走进村子子里,到处打听鲁鲁住在哪里。 When the old village head heard that the two had just come down from Palapala mountain. He rushed over and said:” There is a monster up there. How did you get away?” 老村长听到他们刚从帕拉帕拉山下来,急忙问:“那里不是有妖怪吗?你们是怎么逃出来的?” “Monster? Never saw a monster”, said one porcupine. “妖怪? 没看到呀!”豪猪说, We only saw a while pig screaming and yelling as top as his loud. ”只有一只大白猪在惊声尖叫。“ “ That’s right” continue the other. “We were lighting a fire when we heard something coming. But it was just a pig. In a minute, he came closer. He gave a huge screech and ran away squealy. He dropped his bag. 另一只豪猪说:就是啊!我们正在生火,突然感觉有东西靠近,还没看清楚,就听到一声尖叫,一只大白猪一边跑一边叫,包包掉了也不管。” We try to follow him to give it back. But we couldn’t keep up. “我们追不上他, So we decided that as soon as we got some free time, we come down the mountain to found him and give him his bag back. ” 只好下山把他的包包送来。” When they realized what happened, the villagers were dumbfounded. 大家恍然大悟,终于知道发生了什么事。 原来,妖怪只是豪猪的影子,根本就没有什么诅咒。 “Bubba lives in Sugarplum village.” 白鲁鲁,住在弹珠村。 That night, the monster of Palapala mountain appeared again. 那天晚上,妖怪出现了, This time, however, no one in Sugarplum village were scared. 可是这次,弹珠村的居民一点儿也不害怕。 Of course, accidents did continue to happen, especially when someone panicked. 虽然,小意外还是不断发生。尤其在心慌的时侯!