【小听童中英文绘本故事】老虎来喝下午茶1 The Tiger Who Came To Tea上集

【小听童中英文绘本故事】老虎来喝下午茶1 The Tiger Who Came To Tea上集

2017-01-14    06'37''

主播: 小听童

689 6

The Tiger Who Came To Tea 老虎下午来喝茶 老虎来家里喝下午茶这样一个故事呢,听起来似乎是一个非常不可思议的,但是呢,在作者Judith Kerr老奶奶的童话书里呢,却是非常自然的一件事情,这个故事呢有个最寻常的开头,在一个普普通通的下午,小姑娘和妈妈正在吃着下午茶,但是突然这个时候,想起了一阵门铃声,那这阵门铃声呢打破了这份寻常,一只不请自来的打老虎从门缝里探出了头,于是一个冲门奇幻色彩的故事就此展开。 书 名 老虎来喝下午茶 又 名 Judith Kerr series 作 者 朱迪斯·克尔 Once there was a little girl called Sophie, 有个小女孩名叫苏菲, and she was having tea with her mummy in the kitchen. 有一天,她正和妈妈在厨房里喝下午茶。 Suddenly there was a ring at the door. 突然,门铃响了。 Sophie's mummy said, 苏菲的妈妈说, "I wonder who that can be.It's can't be the milkman because he came this morning. 会是谁呢,不可能会是送牛奶的人,因为他早上已经来过了。 And it can't be the boy from the grocer because this isn't the day he comes. 也不可能是杂货店的男孩,因为今天他不送货, And it can't be Daddy because he's got his key. 也不可能是爸爸,因为他带钥匙了, We'd better open the door and see." 我们还是打开门瞧一瞧。 Sophie opened the door, and there was a big, furry, stripy tiger. 苏菲充满疑惑的打开了门,没想到看到的竟然是一只毛茸茸、带条纹的大老虎 The tiger said,"Excuse me, but I'm very hungry. 老虎对她说,对不起,我饿坏了, Do you think I could have tea with you?" 我可以和你们一起喝下午茶吗。 Sophie's mummy said,"Of course,come in." 妈妈说,当然可以了,快进来吧。 So the tiger came into the kitchen and sat down at the table. 于是老虎走进厨房,坐在了桌子边上。 Sophie's mummy said,"Would you like a sandwich?" 苏菲的妈妈问大老虎,你要不要来个三明治? But the tiger didn't just take one sandwich. 结果,老虎吃了可不止一个, He took all the sandwiches on the plate and swallowed them in one big mouthful. Owp! 它端起盘子把里面的三明治全部倒进了嘴巴里, And he still looked hungry, 不过呀,它看起来还是很饿, so Sophie passded him the buns. 于是苏菲把小面包也端给她吃。 But again the tiger didn't eat just one bun. 这次当然也不例外,老虎吃了不止一个小圆面包。 He ate all the buns on the dish. 它把碟子里的小圆面包全吃啦。 And then he ate all the biscuits and all the cake, until there was nothing left to eat on the table. 它还吃光了所有的饼干,所有的蛋糕,直到把桌上的东西都吃光光。 So Sophie's mummy said,"Would you like a drink?" 妈妈又问他:“你要不要喝点什么?” And the tiger drank all the milk in the milk jug and all the tea in the teapot. 结果,老虎喝光了牛奶罐里的牛奶, 还喝光了茶壶里的茶。