【小听童中英文绘本故事】点1 The Dot上集

【小听童中英文绘本故事】点1 The Dot上集

2017-03-12    05'52''

主播: 小听童

515 13

The art class was over, but Vashti sat glued to her chair. 美术课结束了,但瓦士缇还没有走。她坐在位子上。 Her paper was empty. 画纸仍旧是一片空白。 Vashti’s teacher leaned over the blank paper. 这时,她的老师走了过来,探身看着空白的画纸。 “Ah! A polar bear is in a snow storm,” she said. 惊叹道:“哇,是一只冰天雪地里的白色北极熊”。 “Very funny!” said Vashti. “I just can’t draw!” “真可笑,” 瓦士缇说,“我根本就不会画画”。 Her teacher smiled. “Just make a mark and see where it takes you.” 但老师微笑着说:“你哪怕是做个记号也可以,看看会是什么样子”。 Vashti grabbed a marker and gave the paper a good, strong jab. “There!” 瓦士缇听了猛的抓起一支黑笔,用力的在纸上戳了一下,说:“就这儿了”。 Her teacher picked up the paper and studied it carefully. “Hmmmm.” 老师拿起画纸,细细的研究起来:“嗯——!” She pushed the paper towards Vashti and quietly said, “Now sign it.” 然后,老师把画纸放回到瓦士缇面前,说:“现在把你的名字签上去吧”。 Vashti thought for a moment. “Well, maybe I can’t draw, but I CAN sign my name.” 瓦士缇看着画纸想了一会,自言自语道:“也许我不会画画,但签名我还是会的。” The next week, when Vashti walked into her art class, she was surprised to see what was hanging above her teacher’s desk. 第二周,当瓦士缇再次走进美术教室的时候,她惊奇的发现在老师的桌子上面挂着的一幅画。 It was the little dot she had drawn- HER DOT! 那是她画的点啊! All framed in swirly gold! 而且画已经用旋涡状的金黄色相框装了起来。 “Hmmph! I can make a better dot than THAT!” “噢!” 瓦士缇思考着,“我可以画比这个点更好的点喔!” She opened her never-before used set watercolours and set to work. 于是,她把已经很久不用的水彩笔拿了出来,准备开始画了。