【小听童中英文绘本故事】月亮, 生日快乐2 Happy Birthday, Moon下集

【小听童中英文绘本故事】月亮, 生日快乐2 Happy Birthday, Moon下集

2017-07-22    06'07''

主播: 小听童

695 14

孩子们,善良的小熊帮月亮庆祝生日,还帮它准备了礼物,而他也得到了月亮的礼物。虽然说“月亮”送给他的帽子,和他送给月亮的帽子都弄丢了,但他们互相谅解并得到了对方的原谅。其实月亮就像这个世界,你怎么对待它,它就会怎么对待你。你对他笑,他也会对你笑;你祝福他,他也会祝福你;你原谅他,他也会原谅你。同样,人与人之间也是这样的,你怎么对待人,别人很可能就会怎样对待你。但是小熊的主动并不是为了要求回报,而是在无意中获得了月亮的祝福,这样的欣喜才是最值得激动的吧!好啦,最后,祝今天生日的你,幸福快乐,也祝在听故事的小朋友们有一个好梦,晚安。 When Bear got home, he dumped all the money out of his piggy bank. 小熊回到家,就把小猪储蓄罐里的钱全部倒了出来。 Then he went downtown... and bought the moon a beautiful hat. 然后他上街去…… 为月亮买了一顶漂亮的帽子。 That night he put the hat up in a tree where the moon could find it. 那天晚上,他把帽子挂在树上,好让月亮找到。 Then he waited and watched while the moon slowly crept up through the branches and tried on the hat. 然后他在树下等着,看月亮慢慢地穿过树枝,爬到树枝头,戴上帽子。 “Hurray!” yelled Bear. “It fits just right!” “哇!”小熊高声欢呼着:“戴起来刚刚好耶!”  During the night while Bear slept, the hat fell out of the tree.在小熊睡觉的时候,帽子掉到了 地上。 In the morning Bear found the hat on his doorstep. 第二天早上,小熊看见门前有一顶帽子。 “So the moon got me a hat, too” exclaimed Bear. “原来月亮也送了我一顶帽子。”他叫道。 He tried it on and it fit perfectly. 他把帽子戴了起来,也刚刚好耶! But just then, the wind blew Bear's hat off his head. 就在这个时候,一把风把帽子吹走了。 He chased after it... 他跟在后面追着…… but it got away. 但是,帽子却飞走了。 That night Bear paddled across the river...and hiked through the forest...to talk with the moon. 那天晚上,小熊划船渡过小河…… 穿过森林…… 去和月亮说话。 For a long time the moon would not speak to him, 小熊等了好久,也没见月亮先开口, so Bear spoke first. “Hello!”he shouted. 小熊只好先开口了:“你好!”    “Hello!”replied the moon. “你好!”月亮回答道。    “I lost the beautiful hat you gave me,”said Bear. “我把你送我的漂亮帽子弄丢了,”小熊说。    “I lost the beautiful hat you gave me,”said the moon. “我把你送我的漂亮帽子弄丢了,”月亮 说。    “That's okay, I still love you!” said Bear. “没关系,我还是一样喜欢你!”小熊说。    “That's okay, I still love you!” said the moon. “没关系,我还是一样喜欢你!”月亮说。 “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” said Bear.“生日快乐!”小熊说 “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” said the moon.“生日快乐!”月亮说。