

2015-09-27    03'44''

主播: 基里呱啦网络电台

2011 38

Chirping chirping children walk by 叽叽喳喳路人小孩 You&`&re pouting standing outside 你撅着嘴巴撒娇站在门外 Sunlight is squinting at your face so so cute in the sky 阳光透过天空眯着眼看你的脸是如此的可爱 Chirping chirping, do I have to, open my eyes, 嘀嘀咕咕,我不得不睁开眼睛, Tacit friend on my mind love arise 心中的知己,爱意悠然而生 Vanilla taste, chocolate great, 香草的味道,巧克力很美 Gradually melting when I pray 当我轻轻地许愿时,慢慢的融化了 Share cranberry toast I made 一起分享我做的蔓越莓土司面包吧 Throwing away, all your dismay 抛弃你所有的烦恼 No matter what they say 别管别人怎么说 Feel as I feel, finally we both taste 像我一样感觉一下,最终我俩都尝到了 Telepathic 心电感应的味道 It is true, love&`&s in the air 这是真爱,弥漫在空中 Cupid never saw ,moon-man never saw 丘比特没有看见,月老也没有看见 It is the fate , love you, nothing gonna stop 这就是缘分,爱你,任何事情都不可能阻止 You will find it&`&s true, love is in the air. 你会发现这是真的,爱弥漫在空中 Your flowers I saw, your true heart I saw 你送的花我看见了,你的真心我也看见了 Let us tie the red true love knot 让我们把这红色的爱的同心结系上 We won&`&t be apart any more. 我们要永远永远在一起。