"About Time" has got all the characteristics of a classic chick flick.
For starters, it tells the story of a boy from a family of male time travelers, but the time travel part is pretty messy. In fact, it is so messed up that I don't even know where to start explaining, so let's just settle with "Yes, yes, it is messy but never mind".
Secondly, it tells the story of the love, family and life of the time traveling lad. Now that combination could be a bit misguiding; as soon as the boy learns his family secret, he decides to devote his newfound powers to the pursuit of love. I therefore assumed that this film would focus on the challenges he meets and the fixes he pulls off with the help of his powers. Well, that assumption turned out to be partially accurate. The boy meets a girl, falls in love and wades through the challenges he faces by time traveling, but that part of the story reaches completion by the middle of the film.
The next part is devoted to an exposition of family values, namely family members looking out for one another to make the best out of everyday life. There are two more shifts of focus in this part, both are barely connected to the rest of the film except by the time travel hook, but as you can see it is a rather weak link.
Nonetheless, despite the lack of logic and consistency, "About Time" is saved by its persistent appeal to senses and sentiments. The pictures in general are soaked in warm colors, conferring a sense of quiet contentment, and each one perfectly set and shot like wallpaper.
The first appearance of lead actress Rachel McAdams is very memorable, because it takes place in a pitch dark restaurant and you hear her sexy voice first, prompting you to start wondering what she might look like. And when she eventually does appear, they arrange it so that she gives out a godly glow against the backdrop of a dim lamp, making you gasp at the sight of her beauty.
And that was just one example of how the directors and cameramen conspired to stir your romantic nerves. If you keep watching, there are more such spirit-lifting scenes throughout the film.
I watched "About Time" during China's Spring Festival whilst I was thousands of kilometers away from home, but the warmth of the pictures somehow filtered through the TV screen and offered much consolation in the midst of the wintry weather.