

2014-02-05    03'39''

主播: LaimingLuo

2776 108

"Super 8" is a film that is quite susceptible to misunderstanding. Viewers who expect a science fiction movie featuring ferocious aliens might walk out of the cinema feeling disappointed. But those with patience, a keen sense of humor and a fine touch of nostalgia will be duly rewarded. The film derives its name from the super 8 millimeter film commonly used by amateur filmmakers in the 1980s. Some say the film is an ode to its producer Steven Spielberg, commemorating his teenage years. The saying could well be true as teens ARE the focus of this film. A group of teenagers witness a train derailment while making a super 8 movie. But they soon find out that it was not an accident when bizarre things start happening in the town. The shared experience triggers the spark of romance between a boy who has just lost his mother in a factory accident and a girl whose father is believed responsible for her death. Amid the turmoil in the town that culminates in the departure of an alien, both families come to the point of reconciliation at last. The film is largely seen from the perspective of the kids. Watching them talk, quarrel, form little conspiracies and hide their true feelings for each other takes viewers back to their own age of innocence. In this way, the film maintains a safe distance from becoming a cheap sci-fi thriller soaked in blood and gives the actors an opportunity to actually do their jobs. The young actors apparently outdo their adult counterparts. The teen director played by Riley Griffiths appears to know his way very well around filmmaking with all the loud shouts delivered in an authoritative manner. Better still is Elle Fanning, the little girl whose stunning performance in the film within the film takes the breath away of everyone who's watching on and off screen. Funny little moments also add a touch of humor to the film. Although soldiers are being slaughtered by the alien at the front of a van, a boy trying to escape by climbing out of the sunroof at the back carelessly kicks his friend in the face. Comical scenes such as this occur throughout the film, but viewers have to stay focused so they don't miss them. Of course, you can still find the same old clichés about aliens, humanity and understanding—themes that have been exploited over and over again since the advent of "E.T." But the director of "Super 8' has wisely decided not to go down the same route. The result is a better product. On a scale from one to ten, "Super 8" deserves a superb EIGHT indeed.