【旁白】South Pacific--岛屿海洋

【旁白】South Pacific--岛屿海洋

2014-07-15    58'56''

主播: 本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇

45993 1021

本尼为BBC2台纪录片《南太平洋》担任旁白。 南太平洋 The South Pacific. 耳熟的名字 The name is familiar, 但库克船长史诗般航行已过去230年 but 230 years after Captain Cook's epic voyages, 这片广阔的海洋只留下少许为人所知 this vast ocean remains little known. 在无边无际的大海里 In the endless blue, 与世隔绝的岛屿庇护着罕见的生命 isolated islands harbour life that's rarely seen. 那里有着海洋中最原始的海域 And these are some of the most pristine waters of any ocean. 青绿色的大海和如画般岛屿 The turquoise seas 宛如人间天堂 and picture-postcard islands look like heaven on Earth. 但似乎一切并不是这样 But all is not what it seems. 南太平洋大自然同样也是残酷无情 The South Pacific also has an unforgiving nature. 海中火山爆发形成的岛屿 Islands born from volcanic seas 迸发出独特而异常的生命方式 erupt with unique and extreme ways of life. 人们在这里成功对抗了不平等 People succeeded here against the odds. 南太平洋的故事是出乎意料... The South Pacific is a tale of the unexpected... 一个被遗忘的 ..a forgotten world 创造怪诞和神奇的隔绝世界 where isolation has created the bizarre and surprising. 这是一个讲述海岛的生命故事 This is the story of life in an ocean of islands. 出乎意料 一个巨人从深处浮现 Out of the blue, a giant emerges from the deep. 此刻 怪兽静静地移动 Right now, the monster moves silently, 但它装备着一个可怕的力量 but it's equipped with an awesome force. WATER WHISPERS MUFFLED ROARING GURGLING 一些世界上最大的海浪突然出现在 南太平洋岛屿 Some of the largest waves in the world break on South Pacific islands. 它们的诞生能总结出这片海洋的规模 Their birth sums up the scale of this ocean. 被风暴增强的海浪奔袭3000哩 The storm swell that made these waves 到达这里的浅海暗礁 has travelled 3,000 miles to reach this shallow reef. 对那些流浪的动物来说是直接的大考验 These distances proved a great challenge for animal castaways, 当它们找到新陆地时 许多逐渐发展成新品种 but when they found new land, many evolved into new species. 人类开拓者追随相似的路线 Human colonisers followed similar routes, 与世隔绝的他们把海洋 and the ocean that isolated them from the rest of the world 变成了他们文明的中心 became central to their culture. 大海浪是灵感 The big waves were an inspiration, 带着他们的传统跨越了1500年 and riding them has been a tradition here for more than 1,500 years. 没有其它海洋能比南太平洋对这么多 No other ocean has had a greater impact 不同的动物生命与文化有这么大的影响 on the lives of so many different animals and cultures than the South Pacific 如今它们全部达到巨大的规模 and it's all down to its massive size. 南太平洋太广阔了 The whole Pacific Ocean is so large, 你能将地球上的大陆放进去 you could fit the world's continents inside it 还有空间再放一个非洲 with nearly enough room for another Africa. 1万哩宽 陆地不足1% Ten thousand miles wide, less than one per cent is land. 最有名的是夏威夷群岛 Best known are the Hawaiian islands. 它们坐落在赤道以北1500哩 They sit 1,500 miles north of the equator, 但它们的故事却在南部成形 but their story was shaped by the south. 南太平洋由数千座岛屿组成 The South Pacific is made up of thousands of islands 文明与界限被洋流联合起来 united by cultures and bound together by ocean currents. 大部分岛屿座落在暖水海洋里 Most of the land sits in warm waters, 但遍阅南部岛屿的特色是不同的 but travel south and the character of the islands change. 新西兰气候温和而不炎热 New Zealand is not tropical but temperate. 偶尔带来的冰山的洋流 The ocean currents which cool New Zealand's waters 使得新西兰成为冷海域 occasionally bring icebergs. 从澳大利亚起 它们漂泊了近8个月... Starting in the Antarctic, they've drifted for nearly eight months... 途中经过南太平洋最南端的边远居民点 on the way, passing the most southerly outpost in the South Pacific. 新西兰温和的大海融合了 Where New Zealand's temperate seas merge 南大洋的寒冷海水 with the icy waters of the Southern Ocean, 一块陆地单独座落在... lies a solitary piece of land... 麦加利岛 85英里被海浪抽打的海岸线 ..85 miles of wave-lashed coastline. 看上去无人但并不荒芜 It looks desolate, but it's not deserted. 一年中某些时段这里有比太平洋 At certain times of year, there's more life here 其它任何岛屿都有更多的生命存在 than on any other island in the Pacific. SEAL SNORTS 8月 在海上数月后 象海豹到了 In August, after months at sea, elephant seals arrive. SEAL ROARS 它们需要岛来繁育 They depend on this island for breeding. 麦加利岛不久将承载6000只象海豹 Macquarie will soon be heaving with 60,000 elephant seals, 但它们没有自己的海滩 but they won't have the beaches to themselves. 1个月后 另一波迁徙者出现在拍岸海浪中 One month later, another wave of migrants appear in the surf. 皇家企鹅 These are royal penguins, 这是它们7个月后首次在陆地露面 and they're about to have their first sighting of land in seven months. 它们在开阔大海中靠捕食鱼虾来打发时间 (未贴完)