【旁白】South Pacific--无尽蓝色

【旁白】South Pacific--无尽蓝色

2014-07-15    58'52''

主播: 本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇

9841 803

本尼为台纪录片《南太平洋》担任旁白。南太平洋是一片广阔的海洋原野The South Pacific is a vast ocean wilderness.它的水域充满生命...Its waters are teeming with life.....也就是珊瑚礁吸引的生物多样性.....from tropical coral reefs that attract the great variety...大多数生物生活在稍冷的水域里..to the cooler, temperate waters that attract the great numbers.这是为什么世界上最大的捕食所So why is it that in the midst of all this richness也需要努力才能the world's largest predators can struggle在这片无尽的深蓝中生存?To survive in this...endless blue?在南太平洋中带来的求生故事Nothing brings home the challenges of survivingin the South Pacific better没有比白鲸记更好的than the epic true story that inspired Moby Dick.1821年2月23日,人们发现一艘救生艇On 23rd February 1821, a lifeboat was found drifting在东太平洋随波逐流in the eastern Pacific.[吱吱咯咯的声音]CREAKING在上面有两个美国的捕鲸人,In it lay two American whalemen,奄奄一息.Barely alive.[虚弱的咳嗽声]FEEBLE COUGHING他们的船被一只巨大的抹香鲸击沉Their whale ship had been sunk by an enormous sperm whale.经过三个月的挣扎For a staggering three months, these shipwrecked mariners had sailed这些捕鲸人穿过了4,500英里 这或许是地球上最荒凉的区域across 4,500 miles of what may be the loneliest region on Earth.对这些水手而言,南太平洋 已经是一个炼狱For these sailors, the South Pacific had become a living hell.什么让他们活着成为一个如此大的挑战?So what is it about this ocean that makes survival here such a challenge?在所有的大洋之中, 太平洋是已知最大的Of all the oceans, the Pacific is by far the largest,占了地球三分之一的表面积.Stretching almost a third of the way round the globe.它是如此的广阔以至于南太平洋的It's so huge that the current in the South Pacific洋流几年才能环绕它一周takes several years to complete just one cycle.[声呐敲击声]SONAR-TYPE PINGING[快速的咔嗒声]FAST CLICKING在一个如此广阔的大洋里In an ocean this vast,许多动物不得不长途跋涉以生存many animals have to travel huge distances to survive.没有什么比抹香鲸,None more so than the sperm whale,在地球上最伟大的旅行家之一游得更远one of the greatest voyagers on the planet.每年,数以千计的公抹香鲸Every year, thousands of bull sperm whales,有些是从南极洲,来到这里繁殖some from as far as Antarctica, come to the tropics to breed.CLICKINGCLICKING那里寒冷的水域哺育他们15年After 15 years away, fattening themselves up in colder climes,他们现在足够强壮去争取配偶they are now back and big enough to compete for a mate.这里温暖的海水是理想的育儿地These warm, equatorial waters make ideal nurseries.仅仅一周,这些刚出生的 小鲸已经重达一吨At just a week old, this white calf already weighs over a tonne.在以后的六年它会呆在它妈妈身边For the next six years he will stay by his mother's side,在这片广阔的海洋中嬉戏,而虎鲸relaxing in these tropical waters where killer whales,他们唯一的天敌,很少出现在这里his only natural predator, are rarely found.但是也是在这片广阔平静的大洋But it was in these peaceful stretches of ocean200年前that, 200 years ago,鲸鱼遇到了捕鲸人whales met whalemen.在19世纪,鲸油In the 19th century, oil from the whales' massive heads非常值钱could make great fortunes.捕鲸人首先将目标锁定幼鲸Whalemen targeted the calves first,知道其它的鲸鱼会过来救援knowing the rest of the pod would soon come to their aid...然后进入鱼叉的射程内and into the range of the harpoons.但是只有一艘船时,鲸鱼会复仇But for one ship, the whales got their revenge.没有任何征兆,巨大的力量 集中了87英尺长的EssexWithout warning, a huge bull rammed the hull of the 87-foot Essex.CRASHINGCRASHING几天内,破损的船沉入深海Within days, the broken ship was lost to the deep.他们的船沉没了,With their ship gone,21位生还者记载3条划艇上the 21 survivors squeezed into three whaleboats,也就是他们的救生艇.Which now became their lifeboats.这些人抢出能用的东西,The men salvaged what they could,但是对于面前的困境这些装备不堪一击but they were woefully ill-equipped for the trials that lay ahead.Essex号幸存者处于未知的水域The survivors of the Essex were in virtually unexplored waters,他们在在南美洲西部2000公里的赤道上2,000 miles west of South America on the equator,几乎是离所有的陆地最远的地方almost as far from land as it's possible to be.他们将会发现They were about to find out在南太平洋生存是多么的困难just how challenging survival in the South Pacific can be.受季风影响他们不能向东直行Unable to sail directly east because of the prevailing winds,他们被迫向南进入南太平洋they were forced south and into the area of the South Pacific从那时起人们知道了那里是 片荒凉的水域.Known then as the Desolate Region.一片巨大的,没有海图的和 澳洲大陆一样大的海域A vast, uncharted, windless ocean the size of Australia.(未贴完)