【旁白】 South Pacific--奇异的岛屿

【旁白】 South Pacific--奇异的岛屿

2014-07-15    59'05''

主播: 本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇

4581 715

本尼为BBC2台纪录片《南太平洋》担任旁白。 遥远又与世隔绝 Remote and isolated, 南太平洋岛屿都有自己的生命 the islands of the South Pacific have a life of their own. 动物们与世隔绝地生活了很久 Animals have been living in seclusion for so long, 它们以最奇妙又神奇的方式演化 they've evolved in the most curious and surprising ways. 但岛上的生存代价很高 But island living can carry a high price. 如今一些显著的变化迅速 传遍这些奇异的岛屿 Recently, some dramatic changes have been sweeping through these strange islands. 奇异的岛屿 在太平洋西面边界里 At the western limits of the Pacific Ocean, 这是新几内亚岛 this is New Guinea, 世界上最大的热带岛屿 the world's largest tropical island. 在这些与世隔绝的丛林里 In these isolated jungles, 这里的动物只是最近才被西方人发现 there are creatures only recently discovered by Westerners... 他们从未见过的山脉.. ..and mountains that they have never visited. 这是直到1994年才被科学家首次发现的 一个哺乳类动物的家 This is the home of a mammal first seen by scientists 这是直到1994年才被科学家首次发现的 一个哺乳类动物的家 as recently as 1994. 甚至当地人都很少见到过 Even the locals rarely see it, 它也从未被拍摄过... and it has never been filmed... 直到现在 until now. RUSTLING 它生活在树上 但不是猴子 It lives in trees, but it's not a monkey. 灵长类从未跨过海域来到这个岛上 Primates never made the jump across the water to this island. 这是相当罕见 几乎无人知晓的岛怪 This is a rare glimpse of an almost unknown island oddity... SNORTS SOFTLY 白腹树袋熊.. ..the dingiso. 相当于拉布拉多犬的大小 About the size of a Labrador 特征像熊 可令人惊讶的 它是属于袋鼠品种 and with bear-like features, it is - amazingly - a type of kangaroo, 树袋鼠 a tree kangaroo. 比起其它袋鼠来说生活得海拨更高 It lives at a higher altitude than any other kangaroo, 因此有羊毛般的毛皮 hence the woolly coat. 袋鼠通常以草为食 Kangaroos usually feed on grass, 但在这新几内亚 它们进入森林 but here on New Guinea, they've climbed into the trees 那里的绿叶更丰盛 where the greenery is more abundant. 因此白腹树袋熊是一只生活在高山并且爬树的袋鼠 So the dingiso is a kangaroo 因此白腹树袋熊是一只生活在高山并且爬树的袋鼠 which lives high in the mountains and climbs trees... 然而岛屿有生产珍稀动物的特性 but then islands do have a habit of producing rather unusual animals. 为什么? Why? 因为岛屿用自己的方式为动物提供生机 Because islands offer fresh opportunities 因为岛屿用自己的方式为动物提供生机 to the creatures that find their way there. 由于新几内亚没有猴子 With no monkeys in New Guinea, 袋鼠可以随意地在丛林间自由地吃草 the freedom to browse in the trees has gone to the kangaroos. 新几内亚是大岛 紧靠着澳大利亚洲大陆 New Guinea is a vast island nestled close to the continental landmass of Australia. 当我们迁到南方和东方更小更远的岛屿时 As we move south and east, to smaller, more distant islands, 野生动物变得更加独特 the wildlife becomes even more unusual. 鲜为人知又狭小的新喀里多尼亚岛 The little-known island of New Caledonia is a small sliver of Australia 6千万年前从澳大利亚海岸漂移出去 that was cast adrift over 60 million years ago. 似乎成了演化奇怪的动物们的发源地 It's home to a creature that seems to have evolved quite strangely. DISTANT SQUAWKING, RUSTLING 有翅膀却不会飞 It has wings, but it can't fly. RUSTLING THROATY GURGLES 这是鹭鹤 It is the kagu. WHISTLING TRILLS FRENZIED TRILLING 鹭鹤的家庭成员彼此忠诚 Kagu families stick together, 从前年怀胎起就宣布了家族的领地 with young from previous years helping to declare the family territory. FRENZIED TRILLS 任何擅入者都被赶走 All intruders are chased away. 现在是繁殖季节 It's the breeding season, 当雄性再次燃起终身配偶的热情时 when males rekindle the flame with their life-long partners. 很难理解鹭鹤为什么是 It's hard to know what the kagu is related to... 同鹭 秧鸡 a heron, a rail, 或者是鸽子有关系 or maybe a pigeon. 实际上它是七千英哩以东 南美日鳽的近亲 Its closest relative may actually be the sun-bittern of South America, 实际上它是七千英哩以东 南美日鳽的近亲 7,000 miles to the east. 她似乎并那么引人注明 She may not seem too impressed, 然而鹭鹤的脚总是紧紧地抓住地面 but then kagus always keep their feet very firmly on the ground. 它们的翅膀太弱无法飞行 Their wings are too weak to get them airborne, 为什么食物全在地上还要去飞? but why fly when all the food you need is on the ground? 这个岛没有大型掠食者的围捕 And with no large predators stalking this island, 几乎没有要飞的理由 there's not much cause to take flight. 它一生也无需担心什么 But this life is not without its worries. 新近孵出的幼雏躲在树叶里 A newly hatched chick is hiding among the leaves. 幼雏来到世上 把食物送进嘴里到是一个挑战 As with babies the world over, getting food into mouth can be quite a challenge. 或许粘滑的虫子不太有吸引力 (未贴完)