

2014-07-16    130'59''

主播: 本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇

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本尼为BBC3号电台系列剧Copenhagen(哥本哈根)配音,角色为Werner Heisenberg。 以德国纳粹时代的科学家海森堡和丹麦科学家波尔及其夫人玛格瑞特的亡后灵魂的回忆与对话,引出了现代科学史上著名的1941年“哥本哈根会见之谜”。这个至今没有揭开的谜,对于二战期间原子弹的研制与付诸实战、今天世界所面临的核威胁、未来科学与人类生存等都产生了深远影响。《哥本哈根》通过解密这次“哥本哈根会见之谜”,展开对原子弹研制成功前后历史的审视。 Copenhagen AVAILABILITY:6 DAYS LEFT TO LISTEN Duration: 2 hours First broadcast: Sunday 13 January 2013 Benedict Cumberbatch, Greta Scacchi and Simon Russell Beale star in Michael Frayn&`&s award-winning play about the controversial 1941 meeting between physicists Bohr and Heisenberg, part of a joint Radio 3 and Radio 4 series of three Michael Frayn dramas for radio - including new adaptations of his novels, &`&Skios&`& and &`&Headlong&`&. Copenhagen, Autumn 1941. The two presiding geniuses of quantum physics, Niels Bohr and Werner Heisenberg meet for the first time since the breakout of war. Danish physicist Bohr and his wife, Margrethe, live in Nazi-occupied Denmark; their visitor, Heisenberg, is German. Two old friends, now on opposing sides, who between them have the ability to change the course of history. But why has Heisenberg - Bohr&`&s former protégé - come to Copenhagen? Michael Frayn&`&s Tony award-winning play imagines the three characters re-drafting the events of 1941 in an attempt to make sense of them. A powerful exploration of the uncertainties of human memory and motivation. This new version of Copenhagen is adapted for radio and directed by Emma Harding CAST Margrethe Bohr .... Greta Scacchi Niels Bohr ..... Simon Russell Beale Werner Heisenberg ..... Benedict Cumberbatch. Copenhagen  by  Michael Frayn  Act One  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Margrethe But why?  Bohr You're still thinking about it?  Margrethe Why did he come to Copenhagen?  Bohr Does it matter, my love, now we're all three of us dead and gone?  Margrethe Some questions remain long after their owners have died. Lingering like ghosts. Looking for the answers they never found in life.  Bohr Some questions have no answers to find.  Margrethe Why did he come? What was he trying to tell you?  Bohr He did explain later.  Margrethe He explained over and over again. Each time he explained it became more obscure.  Bohr It was probably very simple, when you come right down to it: he wanted to have a talk.  Margrethe A talk? To the enemy? In the middle of a war?  Bohr Margrethe, my love, we were scarcely the enemy.  Margrethe It was 1941!  Bohr Heisenberg was one of our oldest friends.  Margrethe Heisenberg was German. We were Danes. We were under German occupation. Bohr It put us in a difficult position, certainly.  Margrethe I've never seen you as angry with anyone as you were with Heisenberg that night.  Bohr Not to disagree, but I believe I remained remarkably calm.  Margrethe I know when you're angry.  Bohr It was as difficult for him as it was for us.  Margrethe So why did he do it? Now no one can be hurt, now no one can be betrayed.  Bohr I doubt if he ever really knew himself.  Margarethe And he wasn't a friend. Not after that visit. That was the end of the famous friendship between Niels Bohr and Werner Heisenberg.  Heisenberg Now we're all dead and gone, yes, and there are only two things the world remembers about me. One is the uncertainty principle, and the other is my mysterious visit to Niels Bohr in Copenhagen in 1941. Everyone understands uncertainty. Or thinks he does. No one understands my trip to Copenhagen. Time and time again I've explained it. To Bohr himself, and Margrethe. To interrogators and intelligence officers, to journalists and historians. The more I've explained, the deeper the uncertainty has become. Well, I shall be happy to make one more attempt. Now we're all dead and gone. Now no one can be hurt, now no one can be betrayed.  Margrethe I never entirely liked him, you know. Perhaps I can say that to you now.  Bohr Yes, you did. When he was first here in the twenties? Of course you did. On the beach at Tisvilde with us and the boys? He was one of the family.  Margarethe Something alien about him, even then.  Bohr So quick and eager.  Margarethe Too quick. Too eager.  Bohr Those bright watchful eyes.  Margrethe Too bright. Too watchful.  Bohr Well, he was a very great physicist. I never changed my mind about that.  Margrethe They were all good, all the people who came to Copenhagen to work with you. You had most of the great pioneers in atomic theory here at one time or another.  Bohr And the more I look back on it, the more I think Heisenberg was the greatest of them all.  Heisenberg So what was Bohr? He was the first of us all, the father of us all. Modern atomic physics began when Bohr realised that quantum theory applied to matter as well as to energy. 1913. Everything we did was based on that great insight of his.  Bohr When you think that he first came here as my assistant in 1924.. .  Heisenberg I'd only just finished my doctorate, and Bohr was the most famous atomic physicist in the world.  Bohr . . . and in just over a year he'd invented quantum mechanics.  Margrethe It came out of his work with you. Bohr Within three he'd got uncertainty.  Margrethe And you'd done complementarily. Bohr We argued them both out together.  Heisenberg We did most of our best work together. Bohr Heisenberg usually led the way.  Heisenberg Bohr made sense of it all.  Bohr We operated like a business.  Heisenberg Chairman and managing director.  Margrethe Father and son.  Heisenberg A family business.  Margrethe Even though we had sons of our own.  Bohr And we went on working together long after he ceased to be my assistant.  Heisenberg Long after I'd left Copenhagen in 1927 and gone back to Germany. Long after I had a chair and a family of my own.  Margrethe Then the Nazis came to power....  Bohr And it got more and more difficult. When the war broke out - impossible. Until that day in 1941.  Margarethe When it finished forever.  Bohr Yes, why did he do it?  Heisenberg September, 1941. For years I had it down in my memory as October.  Margrethe September. The end of September.  Bohr A curious sort of diary memory is.  Heisenberg You open the pages, and all the neat headings and tidy jottings dissolve around you.  Bohr You step through the pages into the months and days themselves.  Margrethe The past becomes the present inside your head.  Heisenberg September, 1941, Copenhagen.... And at once - here I am, getting off the night train from Berlin with my colleague Carl von Weizsacker. Two plain civilian suits and raincoats among all the field-grey Wehrmacht uniforms arriving with us, all the naval gold braid, all the well- tailored black of the SS. In my bag I have the text of the lecture I'm giving. In my head is another communication that has to be delivered. The lecture is on astrophysics. The text inside my head is a more difficult one.  Bohr We obviously can't go to the lecture.  Margrethe Not if he's giving it at the German Cultural Institute - it's a Nazi propaganda organisation.  Bohr He must know what we feel about that.  Heisenberg Weizsacker has been my John the Baptist. and written to warn Bohr of my arrival.  Margrethe He wants to see you?  Bohr I assume that's why he's come.  Heisenberg But how can the actual meeting with Bohr be arranged?  Margrethe He must have something remarkably important to say.  Heisenberg It has to seem natural. It has to be private.  Margrethe You're not really thinking of inviting him to the house?  Bohr That's obviously what he's hoping.  Margrethe Niels! They've occupied our country!  Bohr He is not they.  Margrethe He's one of them.  Heisenberg First of all there's an official visit to Bohr's workplace, the Institute for Theoretical Physics, with an awkward lunch in the old familiar canteen. No chance to talk to Bohr, of course. Is he even present? There's Rozental.. . Petersen, I think... Christian M?ller, almost certainly.... It's like being in a dream. You can never quite focus the precise details of the scene around you. At the head of the table - is that Bohr? I turn to look, and it's Bohr, it's Rozental, it's M?ller it's whoever I appoint to be there.... A difficult occasion, though - I remember that clearly enough.  Bohr It was a disaster. He made a very bad impression. Occupation of Denmark unfortunate. Occupation of Poland, however, perfectly acceptable. Germany now certain to win the war.  Heisenberg Our tanks are almost at Moscow. What can stop us? Well, one thing, perhaps. One thing.  Bohr He knows he's being watched, of course. One must remember that. He has to be careful about what he says.  Margrethe Or he won't be allowed to travel abroad again.  Bohr My love, the Gestapo planted microphones in his house. He told Goudsmit when he was in America. The SS brought him in for interrogation in the basement at the Prinz-Albert-Strasse.  Margrethe And then they let him go again.  Heisenberg I wonder if they suspect for one moment how painful it was to get permission for this trip. The humiliating appeals to the Party, the demeaning efforts to have strings pulled by our friends in the Foreign Office.  Margarethe How did he seem? Is he greatly changed?  Bohr A little older.  Margrethe I still think of him as a boy.  Bohr He's nearly forty. A middle-aged professor, fast catching up with the rest of us.  Margrethe You still want to invite him here?  Bohr Let's add up the arguments on either side in a reasonably scientific way. Firstly, Heisenberg is a friend....  Margrethe Firstly, Heisenberg is a German.  Bohr A White Jew. That's what the Nazis called him. He taught so-called Jewish physics. And refused to stop. He stuck with Einstein and relativity, in spite of the most terrible attacks.  Margrethe All the real Jews have lost their jobs. He's still teaching.  Bohr He's still teaching relativity.  Margrethe Still a professor at Leipzig.  Bohr At Leipzig, yes. Not at Munich. They kept him out of the chair at Munich  Margrethe He could have been at Columbia.  Bohr Or Chicago. He had offers from both.  Margrethe He wouldn't leave Germany.  Bohr He wants to be there to rebuild German science when Hitler goes. He told Goudsmit. Margrethe And if he's being watched it will all be reported upon. Who he sees. What he says to them. What they say to him.  Heisenberg I carry my surveillance around like an infectious disease. But then I happen to know that Bohr is also under surveillance.  Margrethe And you know you're being watched yourself.  Bohr By the Gestapo?  Heisenberg Does he realise?  Bohr I've nothing to hide.  Margrethe By our fellow-Danes. It would be a terrible betrayal of all their trust in you if they thought you were collaborating.  Bohr Inviting an old friend to dinner is hardly collaborating.  Margrethe It might appear to be collaborating.  Bohr Yes. He's put us in a difficult position.  Margrethe I shall never forgive him.  Bohr He must have good reason. He must have very good reason.  Heisenberg This is going to be a deeply awkward occasion  Margarethe You won't talk about politics?  Bohr We'll stick to physics. I assume it's physics he wants to talk to me about.  Margrethe I think you must also assume that you and I aren't the only people who hear what's said in this house. If you want to s