【广播剧】The Odyssey E2

【广播剧】The Odyssey E2

2014-07-24    87'32''

主播: 本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇

1635 242

Episode II (1:27:32) Odysseus continues the story of his wanderings with his crew and their encounters with Circe the Enchantress, their descent into Hades, the Sirens, the Monster Scylla and the Whirlpool Charybdis before the final disaster on the Isle of the Sun God. Odysseus....Tim McInnerny Circe....Frances Barber Hermes....Bertie Carvel Eurylochus....Ewan Bailey Polites....John Rowe Shipmate....Jon Glover Elpenus....Stephen Hogan Eurybates....Philip Fox King Alcinous....Geoffrey Whitehead Queen Arete....Cheryl Campbell Princess Nausicaa....Alice Hart Ghost of Anticleia....Joanna McCallum The Sirens....Elena Ferarri, Belinda Sykes, Harriet Williams. Music by Gary Yershon. Musicians: Keith Thompson, Martin Allen, Robin Jeffrey, Chris Lacey, Elspeth Cowey and Phil Hopkins. Directed by Janet Whitaker