【朗诵】《霍比特人》群星朗诵《The Ballad of Bilbo》 (比尔博之歌)

【朗诵】《霍比特人》群星朗诵《The Ballad of Bilbo》 (比尔博之歌)

2014-08-20    01'59''

主播: 本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇

35765 1117

在20世纪60年代晚期,伦纳德•尼莫伊发布了单曲——“比尔博•巴金斯传说”。根据约翰•罗纳德•瑞尔•托尔金的《霍比特人》改编,在被粉丝重新发现之后已在油管上播放了数百万次。2013年,IGN请到了《霍比特人2》的演员阵容,来声情并茂地朗读这首歌的歌词。 In the middle of the earth in the land of the Shire lives a brave little hobbit whom we all admire. With his long wooden pipe, fuzzy, woolly toes, he lives in a hobbit-hole and everybody knows him Bilbo (Bilbo) Bilbo Baggins He's only three feet tall Bilbo (Bilbo) Bilbo Baggins The bravest little hobbit of them all Now hobbits are peace-lovin' folks you know They don't like to hurry and they take things slow They don't like to travel away from home They just want to eat and be left alone 【But one day Bilbo was asked to go on a big adventure to the caves below, to help some dwarves get back their gold that was stolen by a dragon in the days of old.】(本尼朗读这段) Bilbo (Bilbo) Bilbo Baggins He's only three feet tall Bilbo (Bilbo) Bilbo Baggins The bravest little hobbit of them all Well, he fought with the goblins He battled a troll!! He riddled with Gollum!!! A magic ring he stole!!! He was chased by wolves, Lost in the forest, Escaped in a barrel from the elf-king's halls!!!!!!! Bilbo (Bilbo) Bilbo Baggins The bravest little hobbit of them all Now he's back in his home in the land of the Shire, that brave little hobbit whom we all admire, just sittin' on a treasure of silver and gold puffin' on his pipe in his hobbit-hole. Bilbo (Bilbo) Bilbo Baggins He's only three feet tall Bilbo (Bilbo) Bilbo Baggins The bravest little hobbit of them all