

2014-08-30    03'29''

主播: 本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇

91182 405

BC为英国Hiscox保险配音的宣传广告,此广告是由《锅匠》导演Tomas Alfredson执导。温柔的音乐伴奏加上本尼温柔的低音轻柔流过耳边。BC将广告念出了莎士比亚十四行诗的温柔气质。台词也很美。最喜欢的本尼配音广告之一。 不难发现 It's not hard to view 这个世界是如此美丽易碎 the world as something beautiful but somehow broken 机构让我们失望 Institutions have let us down, 我们浪费了太多精力去责怪他人 more effort has been spent on blaming others 而不是寻求解决方法 than finding solutions. 而今看来 and today it seems 人们不再言而有信 a person's word has lost its worth. 尽管这些价值观的衰败让人不安 Yet the failing of these values disturbs us, 但仍旧重要 and surely they must still matter. 我们仍然赞美诚信,公正 we still admire honesty,fairness 与站出来指出什么是错误的勇气 and the courage to speak out against what's wrong. 无论你会怎样说 whatever you choose to call it, 我们中的大部分人还是充满荣誉感的努力地活着 honour is still the heart for most of us try to live on our lives. Hiscox,我们的存在 At Hiscox,we exist 就是在您有所失时,得有所偿 to make good in time of loss 许下承诺 and give our word 在您需要时,在您身边 that we will be there when you need us. 如果您相信 If you believe 生意仍能在握手之间成交 the business can still be done on the strength of our handshake 承诺仍应在言行之中信守 and the promise are still worth keeping, 那您就绝对不是在孤军奋战 then you are most definitely not alone. Hiscox,无信不立 Hiscox,as good as our word.