【朗读】《Richard》by:Carol Ann Duffy

【朗读】《Richard》by:Carol Ann Duffy

2015-03-30    02'02''

主播: 本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇

36805 1715

在理查三世的落葬礼上,本尼受大教堂委托,朗读了著名诗人卡罗尔·安·达菲(Carol Ann Duffy)的一首新诗《Richard》(理查三世)。   My bones, scripted in light, upon cold soil,   a human braille. My skull, scarred by a crown,   emptied of history. Describe my soul   as incense, votive, vanishing; your own   the same. Grant me the carving of my name。   These relics, bless. Imagine you re-tie   a broken string and on it thread a cross,   the symbol severed from me when I died。   The end of time – an unknown, unfelt loss –   unless the Resurrection of the Dead …   or I once dreamed of this, your future breath   in prayer for me, lost long, forever found;   or sensed you from the backstage of my death,   as kings glimpse shadows on a battleground。 PS:本尼是理查三世第16代曾堂孙,以及在BBC二套即将播出的英剧《空王冠:理查三世》中饰演这位国王。理查三世在1485年的波斯沃斯“玫瑰之战”中被杀死,葬入莱斯特教堂,之后被毁坏。