20180115麦克风d247  despacito

20180115麦克风d247 despacito

2018-01-15    01'30''

主播: May🎯👉

11 0

Cheesy as it sounds, I wish I had a better story, but, honestly, I woke up one morning with “De~spa~cito” in my head. It was just that simple and that obvious. That was the initial chorus of the song. That’s the first thing that came out. You know, I wake up with sort of a melodic idea or a lyric idea. Like a 2 o’clock in the morning phone call, “Hey, Justin heard the song at a nightclub and he wants to do the remix tomorrow.” And obviously once Justin Bieber, you know, got ahold of it, it just went straight to Number One, which was amazing.   也许听上去很俗,我也希望能有个更好的故事,但坦白说,真的是在一个早晨我醒来后,脑子里就出现了这个旋律。一切都是如此的简单、如此的清晰。这是整首歌一开始的副歌,也是最早出现在我脑海中的。我一醒来,就有了一些旋律和歌词方面的灵感。 大概是凌晨两点钟的一个电话,(对我说)“嘿,贾斯丁·比伯在夜店听到了你的这首歌,他想第二天就做一个混音版本。”显而易见的,歌曲一被贾斯丁·比伯发掘演绎出来,直接就蹿升到了第一位,太神奇了。