

2018-02-21    07'16''

主播: May🎯👉

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写给自己的情书 To Beloved self 亲爱的自己,学着爱自己,你是独一无二的,做个最真实最快乐最阳光的自己。 Dear self, learn to love yourself, you are unique, be one self with most genuineness and sunshine. 亲爱的自己,不要太在意一些人,太在乎一些事,顺其自然,用最佳心态面对一切,因为世界就是这样,往往在在乎的事物面前,我们会显得没有价值。 Dear self, do not care too much about someone, or something, let them be what they are, and face everything with the best mindset, because the world is what it is: we often appear to be worthless in front of those we care too much. 亲爱的自己,永远不要为难自己,比如不睡觉、不吃饭、难过、自责,这些都是傻瓜做的事。 Dear self, never make trouble with yourself, such as not sleeping, not taking meals, being sad, being guilty, these are what fools do. 亲爱的自己,你不需要任何人的同情可怜,别怕输,从零开始,一样可以开心生活。 Dear self, you do not need anyone’s sympathy or pity, do not be afraid to lose, you can make the living pleasant even if you start over. 亲爱的自己,学会控制自己的情绪,谁都不欠你,所以你没有道理跟任何人随便发脾气,耍性子。 Dear self, learn to control your emotions, nobody owes you anything, so you are not reasonable to lose your temper to anyone for no good reason. 亲爱的自己,学会做自己的恺甲,不要老是想依赖别人,更不能奢望别人在你需要的时候第一时间站出来,毕竟谁也都不是谁的谁。 Dear self, learn to be your own armour, do not always think of depending on others, no even to expect others to be there the first minute when you need them, after all, everybody has their own life to live and their own responsibility to undertake. 亲爱的自己,这个世界,只有回不去的,没有什么是过不去的。 Dear self, this is a world where nothing can not be over, but everything happened cannot return to what it was before. 亲爱的自己,好好对待陪在你身边的那些人,因为爱情、友情都是一辈子的事。 Dear self, be nice to those who stand by you, as love and friendship are life-long matters. 亲爱的自己,相信自己的直觉,不要随随便便招惹别人,也不要让别人随随便便走进你的世界招惹你。 Dear self, trust in your own instincts, do not fall in love with someone too easily, or let others fall for you too easily. 亲爱的自己,别人对你好,你要加倍对别人好,别人对你不好,你还是应该对别人好,那样才说明你足够足够好。 Dear self,if others treat you nicely, then you shall treat them more nicely, if others do not treat well, you still shall treat them right, only then it makes you seem a decent person. 亲爱的自己,不管现实有多么,惨不忍睹,你都要持之以恒的相信,这只是黎明前短暂的黑暗而已。 Dear self, however harsh the reality gets, you ought to constantly believe in that it is merely a short darkness before dawn. 亲爱的自己,不要抓住过去的回忆不放,断了线的风筝,只能让它飞,放过它,更是放过自己。 Dear self, do not hold on to the past n learn to let go of it, the kite with broken string, you have to let it go, because letting it go is more of letting yourself go. 亲爱的自己,全世界就一个独一无二的你,就算没有人懂得欣赏你一定要好好爱自己,放轻松,做最真实的自己。 Dear self, you are one and only in this world, learn to love yourself right and relax and be the most genuine yourself, even if there is nobody understanding and appreciating you. 亲爱的自己,用心做人,用爱待事!忘记昨日所有过的烦恼;今日依然是初升的太阳! Dear self, be a nice person with heart, do things with love. Forget all the concern in the past, today is all renewed as the arising sun!