20180314 斯蒂芬·威廉·霍金 Stephen William Hawking

20180314 斯蒂芬·威廉·霍金 Stephen William Hawking

2018-03-14    02'15''

主播: May🎯👉

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“我注意过,即便是那些声称一切都是命中注定的而且我们无力改变的人,在过马路之前都会左右看。” I have noticed even people who claim everything is predestined, and that we can do nothing to change it, look before they cross the road. “我希望通过开放我的博士论文,激励世界各地的人们去仰望星空,而不要只局限于自己脚下的一寸土地,去探索在这茫茫宇宙中我们身处何地,去试图认识这个浩瀚宇宙的真面目。任何人,不管在世界的哪个角落,都应该不仅能自由、毫无阻碍地获得我的研究,还能接触到所有具有探索精神的伟大头脑的研究。” By making my PhD thesis Open Access, I hope to inspire people around the world to look up at the stars and not down at their feet; to wonder about our place in the universe and to try and make sense of the cosmos. Anyone, anywhere in the world should have free, unhindered access to not just my research, but to the research of every great and enquiring mind across the spectrum of human understanding.~霍金