Caillou and daddy

Caillou and daddy

2014-07-25    01'31''

主播: 小小孩电台

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Caillou And Daddy Storyteller: Are you ready for story time? Boy: Yes, we are. Storyteller: Now let's see what Caillou did today. Today's story is called "Caillou and Daddy". Caillou: Bye bye, Mommy. Mommy: Bye, sweetie. Now don't get into any trouble, you two. Rosie: Bye bye. Storyteller: Caillou's Mommy and sister Rosie were going our for the day and that meant Caillou would be spending the whole day with his Daddy. Daddy: That's what I like. A good strong cup of coffee. Caillou: That's what I like too. Daddy: Do you remember our secret plan? Storyteller: Caillou was helping Daddy make a special surprise for his Mommy. Daddy: Do you think Mommy's going to like her surprise bookshelf? Caillou: Oh, yes. Daddy. Storyteller: Caillou loved spending time with his Daddy like this, just the two of them together. Daddy: Now this should dry very quickly, so we can... Oh, no. Caillou: Oh, no. Daddy: Oh, no. Caillou: What is it, Daddy? Daddy: Well, in the first place, you're covered with paint. Caillou: So are you. Daddy: Yes. You're right. And in the second place, I forgot to buy the blue paint that goes on top of this undercoat. I'll tell you what we're going to do. We're going to take care of business. That's what we're going to do. Caillou: Yeah! Daddy: There you go. Are you ready? Caillou: Yes. Daddy: Then let's go and take care of business. Which color do you think Mommy would like? Caillou: This one. Daddy: Let's take it. Caillou: Are we taking care of business, Daddy? Daddy: You bet we are. Storyteller: Caillou and his Daddy decided to have a hot dog for lunch. Mommy: Hello. We're home. Rosie: Caillou! Caillou! Caillou: It's dry, Daddy. Mommy: What on earth have you two been up to? Caillou: We've been taking care of business. Mommy. Look! Mommy: Oh. A bookshelf. It's just what I wanted. But wait a minute, it looks like I have a new book too. Caillou: I made it, Mommy.